Wishy washy calls the fam

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After a few minuets of silence and burr waiting impatiently for an answer to his questing Washington grabbed his had and practically dragged him inside leaving the rest of the children very confused out on the playground. Most of the children slowly returned to playing games or doing whatever they had been previously doing. Just a small group remained where they had been.

(Inside the school building)

" I just don't understand why we are getting this call"

" well mrs. your son ha-"

" foster son" the voice cut in

" he is still your son, but that is beyond the point. He has said some very naughty things today"

" so, what do you want me to do about to"

" you need to come pick him up"

" I need to what! You cant tell me what i'm gunna do"

" well, your so-"

" foster!"

"Your son has been suspended for the rest of the day, you can't fight this"

" fine whatever" the woman shouted through the phone " git outta my house i'm leavin and I don't want my husband to find you here"

" hang up the phone" Washington sighed

" oh right.., you never heard any of that" the phone clicked

Being a preschool teacher should not be this difficult. Washington thought placing his head in his hands. Burr still sat facing the corner very confused from only hearing one side of the phone conversation.

A/N  wow this book has just blown up over the past few weeks it insane! I love it it's amazing I love all your comments! Keep voting and commenting! While you're waiting for more updates read some of my other books!

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