chapter 3 - A familar face

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Standing alone y/n felt helpless. For the first time she believed that she had no purpose but nevertheless she sought to explore lazulis town.
As y/n commenced to stride towards the gate she was astonished by the bustling crowds that strode in every corner of the town. From afar the top of lazulis castle could be seen, a complex yet grand structure.
This is amazing.... but wait this means.. that I'm inside of the game?!! I really don't know what I should first. I have no money nor any roof to stay under. For a slight moment y/n regretted that she parted ways with Dagran's group. But she remembered that there was market nearby and many ctizens in poverty dwelled under the bridges scattered  throughout Lazulis town.

Immediately, y/n's stomach loudly wailed.  That's right i haven't ate anything for dinner... I wonder what kind of food is being sold in the market. Right now I'm at the south gate.. so the market must be at the right direction. 

But the last story universe was unlike what she actually experienced.  Large crowds were in every direction making the destination  longer trip. but when y/n had finally stumbled upon the market the sizes of the crowds only increased more. Her clothing (jeans and t-shirt) made her stand out more into the crowd and quite obvious that she wasn't from this town. An exquisite smell swept across y/n's nose, capturing her attention and inching closer to the stand.

"Excuse me what is this " y/n asked the middle-aged man with a blue bandana with yellow apron , selling this unfamiliar food. 

"What?!  are you telling me you've never tasted my best soup that is has been favored in lazuli town?" 

"actually this is my first time i have ever entered a foot inside this town, I'm actually from a island and recently moved here" although have no idea what I'm even in here . I was wondering if i can get some recommendations since iim unfamiliar with this food. 

"In fact i'll give you a free meal ; your stomach sounds as if it it digesting itself" 

while heavily blushing y/n kindly accept the gift, "thank you , next time i'll pay you next time i see you 

"its unnecessary, I just hope my dish will cheer you up."

Y/n waved goodbye to the man and as she walked away from the market she heard a familiar voice. "I'll take one please " this husky  voice remarked 

it cannot be...f/n? 

y/n immediately turned her head and bellowed out f/n's name, trying to spot in in the crowd  but the voices of everyone else made your voice unnoticeable. No young blond-haired boy was seen in the crowd only young adults . I'm certain i heard his voice...

Her next destination was unplanned, but her curiosity sparked into her mind as she began to listen to cheers of excitement. 

thats right the knights are visiting the town near the castle gate... which means... Zael and Dagran will be there too. I'll just take  a quick glance and then leave.

Zael's pov:  "I don't know how you find these things out so quickly "

"i have my ways. Anyways I thought you might be interested. " Dagran said to me 

i'll come right now Dagran. 

Surprisingly many people had gathered for this event. As general Asthar appeared lead the other knights through the crowd i knew that one day i would surely become a knight like them. As i watched them leave walk away proudly i noticed that girl we recused earlier across from me. In fact her gazed was locked onto Dagran as if she had known him or something. 

Y/n POV:  I saw diagram immediately squint his eyes as he noticed general Asthar in the crowd 

Dagran... there was no reason for you to hate general Asthar; he wasn't to blame but you still wish to carry on your revenge.. in the end you only face death . I don't know why I'm so obsessed with a fictional character's happiness rather than my own (but technically he's real now that I can physically touch him) . I... want Dagran to not die , I wish I can help him realize that he has a life to live for and people who are like family.  I guess its time for me to leave. But my legs won't respond . 

Zael's Pov: She clearly doesn't have a home to return to; her feet are black as coal, why doesn't no one notice this? She shouldn't have lied and burdened herself with her situation. No matter how small or big the issues one has, I want to help anyone as a knight.  

When the knights already let I advanced closer to the young girl who didn't move an inch from her position.  

"Hey!  what are you doing around here" i said to her 

She jolted at the sudden counter with me .

"I was just...excited hearing that the knights were coming through and wanted to see there grand entrance." 

"I don't want to be nosy but your living on your own, am I right? 

she remained silence for a moment but finally opened her mouth.

"I don't... I have nothing in possession"

I understand that i recently met this girl but i don't want to be alone, roaming helplessly around town. 

"Is it alright if you come and stay with my friends at this tavern were currently "

"I... do.. but what if i more of a burden to your group and slowing you down"

a small tear drop had began to foreign the corner of her eyes

"no! in fact we'll be glad to accept you to stay with us " I gently patted her head hoping to show her that she's not alone . "By the way do you have some sort of connection with Dagr-

"Zael, what are you doing walking away suddenly? ...wait your that girl from earlier ." 

"yeah, Dagran I want to let her come with us, she has no where to go to ."

"Zael, tomorrow we begin our task... but as our dream to become knights,I guess there's no problem or it''ll only get worse."

the girl smiled brightly at hearing Dagran's words, "Thank you " she kindly said. 

"By the way you never introduced your name to us"

"yes, I'm y/n" 

"I'm Zael"

"and Dagran"

"I don't mean to interrupt, but its getting late. we should return back to the tavern" Dagran said.

"Yeah!  I'm pretty exhausted. we should prepare a banquet for our new member"

Before the sunset faded away, the three of us strode to our home, where the rest of our group awaited an unexpected surprise. 

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