Dark (Luke Hemmings~5SOS)

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Luke Hemmings, a member of Five Seconds of Summer. All of their fans adored Luke and his personality. Everyone would think that he was perfect. He had no flaw, no hidden secrets. Everyone thought he was innocent. That he was living a perfect, somehow normal life. But he wasn't. Luke, was dark. He was dangerous. He drank to much, he got into fights and he had a bad anger problem. But somehow, through all of this drama, he manged to get and keep a girlfriend. Alex. Alex has gone through so much with Luke. She's gone through all the nights he'd come home drunk out of his mind. Or when it got angry and ended up punching a hole in the wall. Alex was put through all of this. Anyone else would break up with Luke. leave him for good because his ways. But for some reason, Alex just couldn't leave him. She had a soft spot of for him. Alex wanted the old, happy Luke back. Not the drunken Luke. She felt as if she was responsible for helping him. She was his girlfriend. Alex knew that somehow she'd get the old Luke back. When Luke was sober, he was a good boyfriend. As good as he can get. But Luke felt bad for his ways. He felt bad that he would leave Alex at home and go out and drunk his feelings away. Then coming home and having Alex deal with his problems. Luke felt so bad but he never stopped doing what he did. It was a weird situation. But Alex needed to help Luke and that's all she cared about. To find the light in Luke. To get the old Luke back. That's all Alex wanted. That's all she needed. 

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