Chapter Four

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Alex sat up as soon as she released what she was doing.

"Fuck.." She mumbled, awkwardly climbing off of Ashton. 

"I'm sorry Alex I j-" Ashton stuttered. Alex simply shook her head as she bit her nails nervously. Her eyes were pacing around the room and she couldn't believe what she just did.

"It's okay Ashton, just swear we never do it again, please." Alex pleaded and Ashton nodded instantly.

"We won't, I promise. That was a stupid move." Ashton said, he voice shaky. He started standing up, collecting his phone and grabbing his keys of the table beside the sofa. 

"I-I have to leave, I feel too bad for what I was a stupid move.." Ashton said, staring at the ground. 

"I'm not angry at you!" Alex tried to convince him but he simply shook his head. And that was it, he was out the door and Alex was left alone once again. Alex sighed in frustration before taking her anger out on the wall beside her. Throwing her fists at the wall which just caused her to have bruises on her knuckles. Even though she let some of the anger out, most of it was still bottled up inside of her. Without hesitating, Alex threw her body onto the sofa. She felt as if she was a mess up. But honestly, she wasn't doing anything too bad. Luke was the mess up and he needed to get his things together, but Alex felt as if it was her fault. She was wrong, but she couldn't convince herself that she was. 

"Just break up with Luke already!" Alex yelled out loud. But instantly, she shook her head to her yell. She wasn't going to break up with Luke. That was not an option. She needed to help him and help their relationship. The old Luke is who Alex desperately wanted back. Alex's mind was spinning, she was on the urge of crying but she held it in. She held all the pain and sadness in like always. As she tried to stop thinking about the kiss and all the shit happening around her, she got up and found the phone number she hid under a few books in a bookshelf. It was the mysterious number she found in Luke's nightstand. Quickly, her hands shaky, she dialed the number in her phone. It rang only two times before it was answered. 

"Who is this? Please.." Alex trailed off. She sounded so desperate. 

"You called me first, and I-I can't tell you, not that you need to know." The female voice on the other line said. Alex sighed loudly, slouching in her luck of no success. 

"Plea-" Her plead was cut off by the phone being hung up. Why couldn't the girl tell her who she was. This means that someone had to be hiding something. Something has to be going on behind Alex's back. 

"Fuck the world." Alex yelled in utter frustration before throwing her arms in defeat up in the air. 

"Good performance everyone!" Alex cheered happily, clapping her  hands together. The boys Michael, Calum, Ashton, and Luke all ran off the stage. 

"Thank you babe!" Luke said, pulling tiny Alex into a hug, kissing her on the cheek. 

"Wanna go out with the rest of the boys? Just walk around this lovely city?" Luke suggested and Alex couldn't say no. They were in NYC because the band had a perfomance. Now it was time to explore the big city and have some fun. 

"Lets go mates!" Ashton called out. Luke surprised Alex by scooping her up bridal style. She let out a small squeal of laughter as they all walked out the arena and walked down the sidewalk. It was night time, the buildings were lit up, cars were racing by and everything was so calm. 

"I can be let down now." Alex pouted, laughing softly. Luke set her down so now she could finally walk. 

"This city is beautiful isn't it?" Alex said, sighing happily as her eyes scanned all the tall buildings. 

"It is, I wish we could live here." Calum said and they all agreed with him. Luke snaked his arm around Alex's waist and whispered in her ear. 

"I love you-u-u-u." He said, said 'you' longer than you should. 

"I love you too Luke." Alex giggled at the big goof she was in love with. They kept walking, laughing at jokes, and taking in the scenery. It was a great night, a relaxing, fun, simple night with her boyfriend and the rest of the band. 


Alex wiped the tear running down her cheek. Oh how she hated thinking about how it used to be, it only brought her to a crying fit. To Alex, Luke was the love of her life, or at least he thought he was. But now those feelings seem to slowly be fading away. 

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