Chapter Five

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A/N Sorry it took such a long time to update. I've been busy with cheerleading but I'm back.  Hey everyone! I just wanted to say a quick thanks to everyone who reads this story! Please vote and comment! x QOTD: (Answer in the comment section) What is your favorite song by 5SOS? Enjoy! xx


The front door creaked open and Alex's head snapped up off the couch to look at the door. It was Luke. Alex let out a shaky sigh of relief. 

"L-Luke.." She trailed off, sitting up from her laying position on the couch. He stumbled in, his raybans probably covering his bloodshot eyes. He raged of alcohol. Luke was so piss drunk he didn't even acknowledge Alex. He made he way to the hallway, stumbling every few seconds, his hands supporting himself on the wall. Alex simply sat against the couch, her eyes staring at the grey wall in front of her. She wasn't going to say anything to him, she was going to simply let him go to their room and he would sleep the alcohol off. That's how it always worked out. Tears were forming in her eyes but she quickly wiped them away. Alex had to do something for herself. She couldn't just lock herself up in their house all day and cry. It was about time Alex did something for her own good. 

"I'm going out!" Alex yelled, standing up from the sofa and grabbing her keys and purse. She didn't worry much about getting changed because the outfit she had on was good enough. 

Right when she was about to leave, Luke walked by her. 

"You're not leaving." He said, clearly still drunk though he meant his words. Alex let out a cold laugh. 

"Oh yes I am." She said, trying to act tough when she really wasn't. Luke grabbed a hold of her arm, yanking it, not allowing her to leave. Alex gasped and tried to pull her arm away but Luke's hold was too strong for her.

"Luke, let go." She demanded. But as soon as those words left her mouth, she felt a hand slap her cheek hard. Alex caught a small glimpse of his face, and all she saw was anger. His eyes were cold and his face was red. As soon as she felt his hand touch the skin of her cheek,  A stinging pain spread through out it and she winced.

Luke hit her. 

She was shocked but mostly upset and afraid. Luke hit her. This had never happen nor did Alex ever think it would. Alex was freaking out. Luke was suppose to be her fucking boyfriend. 

"You're a fucking douche!" She yelled, finally getting out of his grasp. Her breathing was fast and her whole body was numb, she was so freaking hurt.  Alex stormed outside, slamming the door as she did. 

That was it. Alex was done trying. She had to break up with him, there was not other choice. She couldn't live like this anymore. Alex was trying to hold back the tears but it was difficult. Alex went to call Calum, but she figured it'd be best if she was alone. This was time for her to be by herself and think. Alex walked as far as she could to a bench. Alex sat down and brought her knees two her chest.  Her sobs were muffled as she hid her face in her hands. This was it. Alex and Luke weren't a thing anymore. 

She honestly didn't want to see his face again. 

Alex was boiling with anger but at the same time, drowning in her tears. This was too much. An 18 year old shouldn't be going through as much shit as she was. Her tears were soon drying on her cheeks and she was finally able to regain some power. Alex brought her hands up to rub her eyes before pushing her messy brown hair out of her face. She was probably sitting there crying for a good thirty minutes. She pondered over who to call, someone that would comfort her. Because right now, that's all she needed. 


She could trust him, and he was a best friend to Alex. He was always there for her even more than Luke. Quickly, her hands still a bit shaky, she pulled out her phone and dialed his number because she knew it by heart. He answered on the second ring, like usual. 

"Calum! Luke, h-he hit me." She wheezed, his crying coming back on. Right when she thought the crying fit was over. 

"Alex, I'm so sorry." Calum said, obviously concerned. Alex let out a shaky sigh, wanting to crawl in a hole and never come back out. 

 "Could you come pick me up or something? I'm on the bench probably a block away from Luke and I's house." Alex was begging right now. She wanted to get making a fool of herself, crying in public, and having Calum comfort her would be a great thing. It wouldn't cure all her problems, that was for sure, but it would help a bit. 

"Yes, defiantly Alex. I don't know what go into him. I'll be there in a few a minutes.' He spoke before hanging up. Alex glanced to her side and that's when she saw Luke coming towards her slowly. His face was soft unlike when he hit hurt and he didn't seem as drunk. 

"Get away from me." She breathed, instantly standing up and backing away from the tall boy. Alex noticed his watery eyes and he had obviously been crying. But Alex didn't feel bad or soften up for him, he hit hurt and she was still so angry. 

"I'm sorry Alex, I really am. I didn't mean to do that, it was impulsive." Luke said, his eyes gray and lifeless. Alex simply shook her head, taking a few more steps back once again. 

No, she was not going to forgive him just like that. It surely wasn't that it. 

"No! You hit me and that was it. We're done." She yelled. Those last two words hit her like a boulder though, never in a million years would she think they'd break up. But then again, she never thought this would happen but it did. 

Life was full of unexpected occurrences. Alex should of know this by now. 

"A-Alex, I'm so sorry. Please!" Luke pleaded. He might as well get on his knees and beg. 

"I said no Luke. Get away from me." She demanded, this time her voice strong and more confident then before. Alex was standing up to Luke and it felt pretty good. They stood there for a fewshort moments, Alex's eyes glued to the ground as Luke wiped away his few tears. Soon enough, Calum pulled up. Calum put his car in park before climbing out. 

"Luke, please just go home and let me calm Alex down for a bit." He tried to say as softly as he could, though he was fuming at Luke. How dare he hit Alex.

"Whatever." He grumbled before walking off. Calum then instantly pulled Alex into a tight, warming hug. A hug Alex was longing for. 

"Lets go to my house. I can make you some tea and you can relax. Again, I'm so sorry this happened to you." Calum spoke and Alex nodded before climbing into the front seat of his car. She was grateful for Calum being there for her, but at the same time, she didn't have any words. Alex just wanted to be mute for awhile until her thoughts slowed down. 

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