9 First Day of School

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I got the idea of she being a beater and of how she got to be a beater from the story "Slytherin Queen" from @Lumina_Rose14

Flora's POV.

I got dressed with my Gryffindor vests and went to have breakfast with the trio. I had left Ash with the others owls so I had not seen her since yesterday.

Ron and Hermione were arguing while me and Harry were eating breakfast in silent. Then Professor McGonagall passed out schedule of the week, I read it and smiled. "What do you have first Flora?" Ron asked. "Flying." I said still smiling. "I guess you like Quidditch." Harry said. I shook my head in a violently yes and they laughed. "Well you know Flora, Harry is the best seeker Hogwarts had in history!" 'Mione said. Harry blushed slightly and I chucked then I continued "after flying I have 2 periods of potions and then a free period." Harry said "good luck with potions then. We have free period at the same time as you so you can tell us how potions went."

I was confused. Personally after flying potions was the one I most wanted to do. "Why?" I asked. Ron said "2 words: Professor Snape." Then they started explaining about the so called Professor Snape. He didn't look nice if he was all they explained to me. Ron was about to say more when owls entered the Great Hall to deliver mail.

I was not expecting any may so I was curious when Ash came flying with a big pack on her legs. She left the pack right in front of me, got some bacon from my plate and went away. I looked at the package such as all the Gryffindor table. I opened and my jaw almost fell to the floor. It was a Firebolt! I actually got a Firebolt! When my friends saw it they gasped. "You got a Firebolt Flora! That is the fastest broom in the world!" Ron exclaimed. I was stunned, the bell rang to start our first class. I got my new broom and headed to flying class.

Madam Hooch, the flying teacher had just arrived and was asking the Slytherins and Gryffindors to calm down. "Ok folks. Today I have something to do so your seekers will be teaching this lesson." The Malfoy and Harry came. I was stunned: Malfoy was Slytherin seeker? You're kidding me.

"Harry!" I called. He smiled and nervously said "ok, so... we will start with something easy. Extend your left hand over your broom and say up. All second graders did that and we said up. My broom was the only one to get up in the first try, Harry looked at me smiling and I smiled back. Harry was a great teacher but I stopped paying attention when I heard a bird crying in pain. I looked at a tree close by and saw a Slytherin girl was throwing rocks at him. Malfoy was encouraging the girl! I could not hand it anymore and said "stop it! You are hurting him can't you see!" I said pointing to the bird. His wing was bleeding and I guessed he could not fly. I had interrupted Harry and everyone was looking at me.

Slytherins continued doing that and Malfoy just laughed looking at me. I send him a death glare and he abruptly stopped laughing, I smirked he was still afraid of me. But the girl kept throwing rocks at the bird. Not taking it anymore I got a stick from a tree nearby and got on my broom. I started flying and deflecting the pebbles the girl sent to the bird. Each side of students were cheering either for me or for the girl. I deflected each pebble not using only strength but also logic. The ones that passed me hit me not the bird but the warmth of the sun touching my skin quickly healed the wounds.

It went like this for some time, Harry trying to control the people, the girl throwing pebbles and me deflecting it.  That is until I heard a voice yell "MISS CHAINS!!" We were all suddenly quiet. I lowered from the broom but not before healing the poor bird. The owner of the voice was Professor McGonagall and she said "10 points off from Slytherin and Gryffindor, and 5 points to Gryffindor for good intentions." That caused Slytherins to moan and some Gryffindors to smirk slightly. The teacher continued "Miss Chains, Mr. Potter please follow me." I looked at Harry saying a silent apology and followed Professor McGonagall to the castle.

We slowed down our pace and she said "you know miss Chains you and Mr. Potter are very similar." I blushed but it went unnoticed. We stopped in front of a class and she said to the teacher "could you please land us Mr. Wood for a moment please?" The teacher agreed and a tall boy with short brown hair and a handsome smile came from the classroom. "Ah, Oliver. I heard that a Gryffindor beater graduated last year, am I correct?" The boy, Oliver nodded "well then. The spot is full now, I would like to present you to the Gryffindor new beater. Flora Lily Chains."

I was startled so was Harry. I new what a beater was but I never expected to be one so soon! Then Professor McGonagall left me with Harry and Oliver. "So..." Harry said trying to break the silence. Oliver started walking and I followed him "I trusts McGonagall's suggestions completely since she suggested Potter be the new seeker but we will have to do a test to see how good you are. Meet us after your last period.

He went away and I walked to my next class. Potions. I walked inside the class saying "sorry, I was late! Professor McGonagall called me to..." My words died of as I saw I had interrupted Snape. I looked at the professor with long black oily hair and long nose, for a second I though I saw a glint of surprise in his eyes but then it disappeared. "The new second year, I guess?" He said, his voice emotionless. I nodded and walked to an empty seat. I went very well in potions and everyone was impressed.

The bell rang and it started my free period. I went to meet the trio. "So how did it go?" Ron asked, I smiled "awesome!" They took a minute to process it and then Harry said "as a present for entering the Quidditch team we will show you everything you want. What you want to see first?" Both Ron and Hermione basically shouted "WHAT" I smirked and said "yeah, and can we see the Womping Willow?" They nodded and while we walked till there Harry and. I explained what had happened on Flying lesson. "Wait, but that means that after Harry you are the youngest player in history!" 'Mione exclaimed. I just smiled and nodded.

We had arrived in front of a giant moving tree. "Well we are here but why did you... Flora!" Ron said. I had taken out my wand and was approaching the tree. When I got close the branches were ready to attack me but I showed them my wand. The got it as if taking a good look at it and then the branches got me. First I shouted and heard Ron, Harry and Hermione also shout "FLORA!" But then my scream turned into giggles. The branches started swinging me around and started doing tickles on me. The boys and 'Mione looked at me in awe.

The teachers had heard the commotion and came to see what was happening. "What in the...oh my!" McGonagall said as she saw me laughing in the branches. I asked them to put me down and after I said goodbye Professor Dumbledore came to me "I see you got the wand from the tree?!" I simply nodded, Professor McGonagall asked "what do you mean Albus?" Dumbledore looked though his half moon spectacle and said "what I mean, my dear Minerva is that this tree gave wood for only one wand and it looks like miss Chains got that wand. The tree will treat the wand owner as if it was her own, that means it can get very overprotective sometimes. Now you four go back to class!"

I chuckled and went back to class. Ron, Harry and 'Mione bombarding me with questions.

The day passed in a blur and the next thing I knew I was getting ready to go to bed. Such a wonderful day!

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