16 Sisters, Brothers and Luck!

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The answers to the questions are at the end. I also love the picture!!!!

Flora's POV.

I looked at my left and then at my right. I made sure nobody was awake close to me, well nobody was awake in the whole castle. I took the book I had gotten from Professors Lupin's class. I was laying on a sleeping bag on the cold stoned floor of the Great Hall, Harry was with his back turned to me sleeping.

Only the thought of it made me sick and made me want to laugh hysterically and rolls my eyes. I did roll my eyes because no one could see it. It was about 11pm of the night and all the students (except me of course) were sleeping. "Sirius Black the murderer" attacked the Gryffindor common room so we had to sleep in the Great Hall.

I took my wand out and whispered "Lumos" a small dim light appeared at the top of my wand and I started reading the book. The things you learned from there were amazing! I saw a beetle coming my way and pointed my wand at him and whispered "Stupefy!" The beetle froze mid way and I smiled to myself, then I looked at the book to see witch was the counter spell. I read and pointed at the insect "Ennervate" the beetle started walking again and I tried more self-defense spells. After some time I laid down in my sleeping bag.

A strand of hair fell in my face and I took the leaf out of the tangled nots. I have been passing a lot of time in the Womping Willow reading or Professor Lupin's book or the one of Animagui. I tucked my book under my pillow and closed my eyes just to think, but the next thing I new Hermione was shaking me awake.

Harry's POV.

I laid down pretending to be asleep as I heard Flora murmur spells. She was incredible! Those were spell you only learned on fifth grade, and she already knew them and it was her first year! If she was a pureblood I would understand but a muggle born? It was really hard to believe it!

I was awake for a long time and when I heard her breath evening I realized she was asleep. The light of her wand was still on so I turned around and grabbed it. She looked so peaceful sleeping, nothing like the fierce girl she actually was. I almost laughed at that thought.

I looked at her Gryffindor clock and saw it was 5 to midnight. Then I turned my attention to the wand and said "nox" as if the wand was trying to resist at the command it flickered and stayed on. I frowned and said it again with more persistence, this time it turned off and I put it beside sleeping Flora. Then I tried to sleep smiling at her wand, thinking that the wand was exactly like the tree it came from.

I slept thinking of how powerful Flora actually was.

Flora's POV.

Instinctively I got my wand and pointed at the neck of whoever was shaking me awake. One of my hand was on my wand while the other one was already with fire on it. While my eyes adjusted to the light of the Great Hall I saw my wand pointed at the neck of a poor frightened Hermione.

Thanks God everyone was busy and they did not see the fire. Most people had gone back to their dormitories but some were still here. I sighted, extinguished the fire and helped my friend get up. "Remember to never wake you up again Flora!" The girl said after recovering from the shock. I looked at my clock: it read 6:45am.

I moaned "first it is not my fault! I was having a nightmare!" I said truthfully. I was having the nightmare of Voldemort killing my parents. My scar was still tingling but I refused to touch it. "And really 'Mione? Why wake me up at 6:45am?" She put her hands in her hips and said "we have school remember missy? Also it is almost breakfast and it would not be good to wake up in the middle of a table would it?"

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