14 Realization (part 1)

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A/N- first: I am sorry for not updating in a LONG time but I have been quite busy. Second: I will try to update each day or so. Hope you enjoy, comment please.

Third POV.

While Flora stormed off to her room she threw her birth certificate to the closest trash bin and ran to her room. What she did not know though was that the paper did not go in the trash can. It bounced off the wall close by and fell to a small dusty corner of the floor.

No one noticed it then and even if someone did noticed, no one would care about this insignificant piece of paper. Slowly but surely it unwrapped itself only enough to see 2 things: the name Flora and Potter.

Flora's POV.

"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL WERE YOU THINKING?!?!?!!" was the first thing I shouted when I made my heart restart. The twins looked at me with a smirk in their faces, I started getting up when they said "oh come on, you are late sleeping beauty." After a pause George continued "also we were thinking of pranking the girly copy of Malfoy."

I was furious with them but could not hide my smile, how could they be such jokester? But soon my smile turned into a frown. "how do you entered the girls dorm? Also how do you know about Sleeping beauty?" They just smirked and Fred said "Ginny let us. Also our dad talked about sleeping beauty.  So... Are you in?" I nodded and went to put my vests on.

When I came out I put my hair in a ponytail and walked down side by side with the twins, thinking of ways to prank Alicia. My thoughts were interrupted though when the twins said in unison "also... Oliver did not stop asking about you. Ginny was almost stuffing his hand in his mouth."  I laughed and slightly blushed. I don't know why but I think that since yesterday Oliver had something for me.

We walked in silence till the Great Hall where breakfast was almost finishing. We went our separate ways. The two Weasley went with Lee to talk about ways of pranking Alicia while I went with the trio and Ginny, that by coincidence were shouting at Oliver. I silently walked to them, ready to scare them. I walked from behind Harry and shouted "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" Before rolling of laughter of their frightened faces.

The worst one was of Ron, who had his hand in his heart and said "what the bloody hell was that?" I looked at Ginny who before was shouting with Oliver "that was the same thing I said when someone let two red headed wake me up giving me a heart attack." She just said "sorry," before turning to Oliver and saying "but I had to, because if not WOOD would not shut up." I looked at him with a "really?" Look and he flushed.

He handed me a piece of paper and said "I was... Well you were going to loose breakfast, today's list" everyone rolled their eyes and I looked at my list. Yes! The first period was free!

With no time to loose I ran to the library to find more about my parent and Sirius Black ignoring my friends protest.

[time skip to 40 minutes late]

I sighted in frustration. 40 minutes stuck with a pile of books about the Potters and criminals just to find all the things (actually I knew more) I already knew! I looked at my clock and nearly made a whole shelf fall as I ran to check out some of the books and ran to my first class: Defense Against the Dark Arts.

I struggled to hold my books while I nearly ran through the courtyard to my class. Explain to me: how can time pass so fast? At lest I like this class I thought.

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