popular rule one: don't smile

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Boys pov
popular rule one: don't smile

   I woke up slowly.
Remembering what happened last night
At that party.
But nothing had happened, I just got drunk and walked home. I know you're thinking wow what a lame drunk but I'm a sentimental drunk and if anyone had stayed to talk to me my mystery would be solved and people would start to bug me again.
I pop the pills my dad left on my bed side table. They dull the head ache almost immediately which I'm grateful for. I have a great dad he understands me and knows I'm going to party and instead of trying to stop me he just tells me how to party safely.
I get up and slide on a pair of dark jeans, picking a white shirt out of my closet I grab my leather jacket and run downstairs. There's a full plate of food on the counter waiting for me and a note from my dad
"Hey bud I've gone to work I'll see you tomorrow money's in the fridge"
I sigh I knew this was going to happen he's always gone during the day I never see him because his job starts before I wake up and ends late at night. I know it's strange we put the money in the fridge but no one things to look there when thinking money. I get on my bike it's black and sliver with a engine that purrs beautiful music while ripping down the street toward school. As always everyone's eyes are on me as I enter the school. I don't blame them, not everybody looks as good as I do. I guess you could say I'm popular, everybody knows who I am and every girl wants what they can't have and none of them can have me so they all want me. Countless people smile at me but I don't smile back, the second you smile you become approachable.
I walk through the crowded halls people jumping out of my way. I make it to class and take my seat where I always sit the far left second row right next to the window. Slowly the seats around me are filling except that one spot next to me it is in that area where If the teacher is writing on the board you can't see it. There's normally a girl there she never talks to anyone in class. But people still smile at her and she smiles back but I've never seen her engage in conversation for more then 5 minutes and then she only talks to someone once every 3 weeks. I've never talked to her because she doesn't seem to want to talk. She's the only girl who doesn't seem to notice me or through herself at me. The bells just about to ring when she enters the door. Her bag gets caught and she hits the ground with a loud thud. Everyone looks at her some laughing silently others didn't see what happened and looked confused. I don't bother looking at her I already know what she's going to do, she does it every time she does something embarrassing. She's going to stand up and pretend nothing happened then she'll sit in her desk next to me playing the fall off like it doesn't matter. Somehow everyone else magically thinks it wasn't interesting that she just completely embarrassed herself in front of the whole class.
This girl seems to be invisible to everyone.
I can't figure out why. It's impossible for her to be this unnoticed because She has these big purple eyes surrounded by thick lashes, her hair is a dark chocolate brown that flows its shoulder length and somewhat curly her lips are plump and red all the time. She's absolutely stunning yet somehow she goes unnoticed. It spikes my curiosity. Just how does she do it?

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