I shivered as I approached the grey looking house glancing down at the piece of paper that had the address on it "Hope this is the right one" I whispered the house was big-ish with two floors and big windows but the blinds were closed I could hear voices from inside I edged my way closer to the big oak door "please be her" I muttered knocking the door loudly I tensed a little hearing heavy footsteps approaching the door the door slowly opened "What do you- Jade?" A husky yet feminine voice said I peered up seeing a woman with pale icy looking skin with a large scar just missing her right eye, her empty greenish blue eyes that were sharp and narrow, her lips looked cracked but yet full she had an elfish face with black short hair that was greased it was kept in thick complicated swirls, she was tall about 5'10" which is taller than me she was skinny cat-like but lean at the same time, "Gloria?" my voice wavered a little she quickly came outside closing the door behind her stuffing her boney hands into her jean pockets
"Why you here" she asked squinting a little "I wanted to come see my big sis" I beamed smiling she looked at me blankly it made me feel uncomfortable "Well then..You've seen me bye" she went open the door again but I wasn't having it "Gloria Everett are you really going to abandon your baby sister!" I scolded crossing my arms Gloria stopped in her place "Why did you come find me Jade" she asked her head leaning on the door "I left my house in Arkansas to come live with you" I said softly, Gloria tensed a little hearing the word live "Why now after all these years!" she yelled banging her fist on the door I frowned "But I'm here now aren't I?" she faced me with a stern look "I guess you are right. God, you look like mum so much" she grinned bitterly looking at me. I had pale skin but I wasn't nearly as pale as Gloria I had faint freckles scattered on my cheeks and nose I had big round eyes that were bright green with thick eyelashes, even though me and Gloria are a minute apart, Gloria being a minute older I was a lot shorter younger looking I still had a baby-face while Gloria had a sharp mean looking face she looked older than she actually did.
"Come in I've got some friends to introduce" She grabbed my heavy suitcase with such ease it was actually scary "Guys I have someone I want you to meet," Gloria said loudly strutting into the living room. Seven males sat ranging from different heights and ages "Who is this?" A boy said with thick greasy hair kept combed in complicated swirls similar to Gloria's "I'm Gloria's twin sister" I smiled they all looked shocked sharing glances between each other "How?!" They said in sync I was a little taken back "You look nothing alike!" a small boy said light-brown, almost red hair and greenish-gray eyes. Looks about 14-15 quite young little younger than me. "Yea I know" I rubbed the back of my neck "Well you're obviously the prettier one" an older boy smirked He had an elfish face, with high cheekbones and His hair was almost white it was so blonde, his hair wasn't greased. He had a dangerous look about him "This is Jade" Gloria said pretending not hear what the blonde boy said "Well it's nice to meet you Jade" a very tall man who was over 6ft broad shoulders dark brown hair that were combed and greased back with a pair of icy blue eyes said giving me a small smile "So Jade how come we've never heard about you before?" A boy beamed he was slightly shorter, little slimmer he had dark gold hair which is also greased back with a pair of beautiful brown eyes.
I frowned looking at Gloria how come she hasn't mentioned me before? Her jaw was clenched tightly "You haven't talked about me?" I whispered feeling upset that after all these years she was still envious "After all these years!" I said a little louder she didn't even look at me she stood straight like she was proud of herself "You're still jealous aren't you?!" I shouted feeling a tear slide down my cheek I quickly wiped it away I always hated crying in front of Gloria she said it was weak and pathetic. That definitely caught her attention she shot me daggers dropping my suitcase with a loud thud I swear the floor shook as she did "Jealous? Why would I be jealous of some weak little girl" she growled my eyes widened a little "Hey now, you haven't seen each other for years let's not argue" the boy with brown eyes said Gloria sighed and started introducing me to the rest of them. I memorised their names Darry, Dally, Johnny, Steve, Two-bit, Soda and Pony-boy.
Gloria had asked Johnny and Ponyboy to help me unpack Johnny was dragging my suitcases up the stairs obviously struggling "Just give it" Gloria snatched the suitcase off Johnny with one hand again then stomped upstairs and into what I assumed is my room "So how come you and Gloria didn't come up to Tulsa together?" Pony asked as we walked into my room "I was taken away at twelve and was forced live with my Soc aunt" I looked around the room it was all white it was like nothing has stepped foot in here for a long time I noticed a thin layer of dust on everything "Gloria was probably glad I was gone she probably acted like nothing happened" I said meekly bitting my lip "I cried when you were taken away Jade stop thinking and telling people I'm an emotionless monster.." Gloria stood in front of us arms crossed I fiddled with my thumbs "Jade, I cried for two days straight when you were taken away, I ran away from home for a week I felt like hell. And I'm sick of you making out I'm worst than I actually am.." I went speak but she cut me off again "Everything I've done has been for you" she jabbed her finger at my shoulder harshly I could feel a bruise form already "Spoilt brat" She muttered the last part then swaggered off back down stairs.

Secret Sisters ~ Sequel to Outcast
FanfictionAn outsider Fanfic about Jade and Gloria. Gloria is back from Jail with a special guest.