Chapter 1

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This is how I imagine Harry in this book. enjoy :)

TW: this book does mention domestic violence and toxic relationships


"Lighten up, Avery! Have some fun! Studying is boring," My best friend Jackie complained, slapping my shoulder.

"It's hard to lighten up when I have my psychology exam tomorrow," I rolled my eyes. "Now help me study!"

"Ok, ok," She sighed. "What is the largest part of the brain?" She read off my flash cards.

"Easy. Cerebrum," I nodded, she applauded me with a satisfied smile.

"What part of the brain is responsible for the flight or flight response?"


"Correct... for the eight time in a row. You're gonna do fine," She groaned.

I sighed before nodding. "You're right. I could tell you the parts of the brain in my sleep."

Being a Harvard student was tough. I had to be my best one hundred percent of the time, one failing grade and I was under fire. I always ended up overworking myself. At the same time, I love the atmosphere.

I'm new here, I'm only like two months into my freshman year, but it's so nice having independence and living with my boyfriend instead of my pesky parents and my brother, Alex. He's your average polo-wearing, khaki-loving white boy. My parents are obsessed with him and my parents want me to be that basic white smart girl who has a closet full of cardigans and summer dresses, but I don't quite fit that mold.

"Are we done studying now, Miss Perfect?" Jackie raised a brow.

"Yeah," I said, grabbing my flashcards and putting them into a pile. "Let's go do something fun. And then we can go back to your dorm and I'll help you study for your exam."

"You read my mind," She smirked, standing from the table we were sat at.

We were at the library after class, she was helping me study for my psychology exam. Psychology is my major and I will do anything to keep a solid grade in that class.

"Let's go find somewhere to eat lunch," Jackie said, putting on a pair of sunglasses as we exited the study area and entered Harvard Square.

We walked along the streets in search for a good place to stop by and eat. "I heard fire and ice is a good buffet," I suggested.

"Sounds good."

I looked ahead of me as I walked, seeing some guy carrying eight coffees in two of those cardboard cup-holder things you get at fast food places. The poor guy was probably an intern for one of our professors. 

He was stumbling and walking around clumsily, he was a hot mess. He wore a white t-shirt and jeans and had curly short hair and sunglasses covering the mysterious eyes that hid behind them.

"God, that boy is a mess," Jackie chuckled, watching as he tripped over a stump on the sidewalk.

I found myself intrigued for some reason as we neared him slowly, "Need some help with that?" I smiled, reaching my hands out to grab one of the cup holders.

"Thank you, but it's fine really-" He smiled, before tripping again and spilling one of his hot coffees all over my white shirt.

I gasped as the scalding coffee seeped straight through my thin shirt, hitting my skin. I laughed for a second, then sulking and looking down at my ruined shirt.

"I'm so sorry!" He gasped, raising his sunglasses so that they rested on his hairline.

The petty side of me wanted to curse him out and run off, but from the looks of it, he was having a pretty bad day as it is. A switch flipped inside me as I peered into his blue-green eyes, my sharp annoyed expression melted into a sympathetic smile as I looked into his anxious pupils.

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