Chapter 13

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Jackie and I were out at dinner, we went to Veggie Grill because she wanted some food that would suit her vegetarian diet, obviously. I didn't mind, as long as I wasn't eating any fake meat. I just ordered a quinoa salad.

"So, tell me everything about last night," She smirked, as she sipped on her strawberry lemonade. 

Where do I even start?

"It was so great, Jackie, it was so fucking great," I sighed, contently. "One night we were hanging out and I randomly said how it would be fun to be someone else for a day, and he remembered that. So he made a reservation for Harry and  Avery Styles, so we could be new people for that night. We faked that we were on an anniversary and we got a free cake out of it! It was just cute, you know? I dunno."

"Whoa, that's so unique," She nodded. "I haven't been on an exciting date in so long."

"That can't be true, you're you. You're confident and sexy," I reassured, but in return, I only got an unsure expression from her. "Come on, when was your last date?"


"Oh. It's only been three or four months then," I shrugged. "That's not that long."

"Yes, it is! I'm not getting any younger. My own little prince charming is somewhere waiting for me. Hopefully, he looks like Ryan Reynolds."

"Well, I wish I could set you up with somebody, but I barely know anybody in the Harvard area. You, Harry, and Dylan are the only people I really know."

"Same. We need to get ourselves out there girl. We should go to a college party."

"I'd really rather not," I sipped on my lemonade.

The party scene wasn't really my scene. Sure, I loved a night out, but I kinda wanted to keep it classy. We're here for Harvard, not some frat guys.

"Oh, come on. Don't knock it till you try it, right?" She wiggled her brows.

"Yeah, but I'd kind of rather skip through all the cringy frat parties in college. I'm here for the college," I said, sternly.

"We're so boring, Avery. We haven't had one night out. It's November!"

"Fine, we'll go out to a party someday, but not this week. I have an exam Monday, and I'm not taking it while hungover and sick."

"Fair enough."

"One quinoa salad and an order of the veggie chicken strips and fries," The waitress interrupted us, placing our dishes in front of us. "Enjoy."

We ate for a couple minutes, staying mostly silent.

"I can't believe you're already back out in the dating scene, it's been like three months since I've been on a date and here you are a month after breaking up with a serious boyfriend."

I smiled and looked down at my lap silently, I'm still hung up on Dylan, to be completely honest. It's just hard to go from a long term relationship to feeling so alone to seeing somebody new. It was too fast for me. I tried to suppress my old feelings for Dylan so that I could develop new ones for Harry, but it was too hard. There was no way to shut down feelings I had for so long only to open up some new ones. I needed to heal from Dylan before anything new happened.

I shouldn't have kissed Harry, I was leading him on. I regret it already. I mean it was a nice kiss; something out of the movies, but I was risking a lot. I wasn't ready yet, I needed to be ready before I did that kind of stuff, we had such a great night and it just ... distracted me. It blinded my reality. Maybe, I should just focus on myself for a little bit. Whatever I decide, I need to tell Harry about it once I make the decision. Whether I want to stay friends or pursue something with Harry, I need to let him know first. I want him to be on the same page as me throughout this whole process.

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