Chapter 15

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We arrived at his apartment about twenty minutes later. When he turned the lights on, we found his cat Pepsi laid across his coffee table in front of the couch.

"Pepsi, get off the table!" He exclaimed, she yawned and jumped off the table in response.

I walked up to her with a smile and picked her up like a baby, cradling her in my arms, as she purred tenderly. "She's so cute!"

"Yeah, she makes you think that, but then she chews up your wires and gets her fur all over the clean laundry you just folded," He laughed, petting her head.

I let her down onto the ground again and she walked over to her cat bed and laid down.

"Alright, I'm gonna go get changed and brushed my teeth, okay?" Harry said, walking towards his bathroom.

"Okay, I have some makeup remover wipes in my bag and an extra toothbrush so I have that covered."

"Change of clothes?"

"No..." I winced, we hadn't thought of that.

"It's okay. Can you borrow a t-shirt? It'll be big enough to cover you."

"Yeah, that's fine. Thank you!"

He nodded with a smile, walking into to the bathroom and closing the door behind him. I walked up to a mirror that was near his front door and started removing my makeup with some of my wipes.

A couple minutes later, Harry left the bathroom and entered the bedroom coming back out with a plain black t-shirt for me. He wore a navy blue t-shirt and some gray sweatpants, he sat down on the couch as I made my way towards the bathroom.

I closed the door behind and took off everything but my bra and underwear, sliding Harry's t-shirt over my body. It reached right above my knee so we were fine, I didn't need any other clothes. I finished up brushing my teeth and walked back out.

As I shut the door behind me, Harry's head snapped up from his phone. He looked me up and down quickly, biting his lip. He looked so good.

"So uh, where am I sleeping?" I asked, breaking the silence between us.

"Whatever you're comfortable with. You can be on the couch if you want."


He nodded, standing up from his spot on the couch. "I'll be in my room, I'm gonna leave the door open."

"Night," I smiled, sitting down on the cool leather couch.

Harry walked into his room and came back out with a white cotton pillow, he handed it to me silently. There were a couple fuzzy blankets thrown on the couch. "Are those enough?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you for letting me stay."

"No problem. Goodnight," He said, walking into his bedroom, and turning off the light of the living room. A small lamp in the corner was turned on, so I could still see where everything was.

I laid down and pulled the forest green blanket over my skin, cuddling up to the couch. I was so tired from tonight, I could really use some shuteye. I closed my eyes and relaxed my face, trying my best to fall asleep.

After fifteen minutes, I still couldn't fall asleep. I had too much on my mind, I was thinking about Harry and Dylan, and how I felt about them. My mind was playing tricks on me, I couldn't fall asleep at all. I sat up and looked into Harry's room. Since he left his door open I could see that he was still awake and on his phone.

I stood up from my spot on his couch, grabbed my phone, and walked over to his doorframe. "Hey, Harry?"

"Jesus," He gasped. "You scared me. What's up?"

"I can't fall asleep," I laughed, rubbing my eyes.

"Are you still drunk?"


"Do you want to sleep with me?" He straight up asked.

I looked at the floor. Of course, I did! I didn't want to admit it though.

"Fuck it, yeah I do," I sighed, walking up to his bed and sitting on the opposite side of it. "I'll stay on this side and you'll stay on yours?"

"Sure thing."

I nodded, placing my phone on the table near me, getting under the covers and turning my body away from his. I could feel his warmth from where I was laying, which was about six inches away from him.

I heard him shut his phone off and place it on the nightstand. "Night."



I woke up with a headache, which was definitely alcohol induced. Where even was I? I opened my eyes and looked around, shocked when I saw an asleep Harry by my side, my arms lazily placed around him and my leg draped across his lower torso.

I was cuddling Harry right now. Oh my god.

The window right above us, let some light in and it was halfway blinding me. I looked over and saw the alarm clock. 10:15 am. Good, we didn't sleep in too late. It was Saturday, so I didn't have to worry about it anyway.

I heard a yawn from Harry and I looked up to see that he was rubbing his eyes and waking up. "Good morning," He hummed, his voice deeper than usual.

"Good morning," I laughed, letting go of him only to have him grab me again and pull me close.

"How did we end up cuddling, anyway?" I yawned.

"You woke up and you were bugging me and asking to cuddle because you were cold."

"Ugh, of course," I covered my face with my hands.

"Do you want breakfast?"

"That sounds good," I nodded.

"Alright, five more minutes," He said, closing his eyes again and pulling me even closer to him than before.

I giggled into his chest. "If you don't wanna make breakfast we could stop by none other than Des's and have some of Donna's famous pastries?"

"Good idea. But you don't have a change of clothes and if you showed up in my clothes I'd never hear the end of it."

"Oh," I trailed off, "you're right."

"It's okay, I'll make you those chocolate chip waffles you love, with OJ of course," He sat up a little.

"You're the best," I said, unwrapping my arms from him and sitting up all the way.

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