The letters

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Hey guy, I'm sorry I haven't update lately. My work didn't safe so I have to do it again. It kept doing that over and over again, I thought I have to re-write the whole fanfic. Now on to the story! I hope you guys like it.
Wendy's POV

It's been 2 months since we started our training and we've been doing great! I have perfected my sky and water dragon slayer magic. I learn water dragon slayer magic when I muster my sky dragon slayer magic (which wasn't long). Lucy san can now summons 5 celestial spirit at once and is really good at hand to hand combat. She also learn more spells. Mira san can use her take over magic in a second while moving. Her power has gotten stronger too. Juvia san learn more spells, and her attack has gotten stronger. Lastly, Levy san attack has gotten stronger and she is good at hand to hand combat (but not as good as Lucy of course). We've been training so hard this past 2 months thinking of our revenge. 'Just you wait Fairy tail, you will pay for what you did' I thought.

Meanwhile, in Fairy tail

Natsu's POV

It's been 1 month since I kick Lucy and Wendy out of the team. Erza was so angry that she beat me up and quit team Natsu! I don't really care though, I never like her in the first place 😤. Now that I think about it, I haven't seen Lucy and the girls around lately, so I decided to ask gramps about it. "Finally, it took you 1 month to figure it out!" Gramps told me, I was confused on what he meant, '1 month to figure it out?' I thought. Then he go out of his office and shouted "Listen up brats, 5 of our precious guild members has quit the guild a month ago!" After hearing that, the guild was looking around to see if anybody was missing, "Who is it masters!?" someone asked. "It's Wendy, Lucy, Levy, Juvia and Mirajane!" Gramps answered while holding his tears. "Oh, those weakling" I said. "Yeah, those weakling shouldn't even deserve to be in this guild!" Lisanna says, agreeing with me. I noticed that most of the guild members agree with us too. Then Erza, Gageel and the Thunder Legion was looking at us like they're gonna kill us for saying that. "SHUT UP!" Gramps shouted, "They left us letters" he told us, but more calmly this time. Then he began to read one of the letter.

Dear Fairy tail,

If you're reading this, then you finally noticed that we've left. I hope you're happy because it's your fault that we left. You guys ignored us and calling us weak, pathetic, slut, replacement and many more. Everyday you would throw magic at us except for Master, Erza, Mira, Gajeel, the exceed and the Thunder Legion. Those people are the only one who didn't ignored us and help us, unlike the rest of you. People say that Fairy tail treasure their nakamas, but I guess they don't know that the real Fairy tail treat some of their nakamas like shit. We thought we finally found a family, but I guess we were wrong. You won't see us again, but we want you to know that we hate you. Goodbye Fairy tail.

Your once loved girls: Lucy, Wendy, Juvia and Levy

Some of the guild members have the look of regret when gramps finnish reading the letter, I don't understand why though, they're weak. "Could this people come up and get their letters" gramps started. "They are Erza, Gageel, the Thunder Legion, team Natsu and the exceed" gramps announced. We got our letter and began to read.

Dear team Natsu

I hope you guys are happy because we finally left Fairy tail like you wanted us to do ever since Lisanna came. We thought we could trust you, but I guess we're wrong. We also thought you guys cared about us, but I guess we're wrong again. Erza, you're the only one that actually care about us and help us, thank you.

From your old teammates,
Lucy Heartfilia and Wendy Marvell

'Tch, who cares' I thought. "Finally, they're gone" I heard Lisanna murmured.

Erza's POV

I opened the letter that master gave us and start to read it.

Dear Erza,

Thank you for not ignoring us like the rest of the guild does. You were like a big sister to us. Even though you can be quite scary sometimes, you have a kind heart. We really miss you but we know that we won't last long if we stay at the guild. We will write you a letter when we join a guild. Please stay safe until we finally meet again. Your present is on Lucy's bed, the one in the white envelope. Take care Erza.

Lucy, Wendy, Levy and Juvia

Once I finnish reading the letter, I began to cry. Some of the guild members looked at me with shocked and confuse expressions. I didn't really care though, they were like a sister to me.

Lilly and Happy POV

We got our letter and began to read it.

Dear Happy and Lilly,

Thank you for not ignoring us like the rest of the guild members does. Happy, even though Natsu told you to not come near us, you still talk to us and try to make us feel better. Lilly, you tried your hardest to protect us when the guild attack us with their magic. We're thankful for what you did and we're sorry that we didn't tell you sooner that we're leaving. As a sign of apologies, we gave you guys a present. It's in Lucy's bedroom, on the desk that she wrote on her book. You will find 2 letters there, make sure to give the letters to Kinana . I hope you guys have fun at the guild and Tom cat, please take care while I'm gone. ~Charle~

Lucy, Wendy, Charle, Juvia and Levy

Lilly's POV

Happy was crying so hard, shouting Charle's name while I have tears in my eyes. I have to admit it, I kinda miss those guys. I'm sure the others (the people who didn't ignored them) feel the same way.

Gageel's POV

I opened the letter as soon as I got it and start to read it.

Dear Gajeel,

I know that it's kinda late to say this but, I love you Gajeel. I actually like you a long time ago but I don't have the courage to say it to you.
I'm sorry for not telling you this earlier. You must thought I'm phethic for not saying it in person. I'll miss you Gajeel, I hope you tell me your feelings when I'm back. I'll write you a letter when we join a guild. Until then, please take care.

PS Thank you for protecting us. Your present is on Lucy's bed, the one with the red wrapping paper on it. I hope you like it.

Love Levy/shrimp

"I like you too shrimp" I whispered while crying at the same time. 'I'll wait for you until we finally meet again' I thought. I wipe my tears and look at the guild. They look at me with a shock expressions. Probably because I never really cry in front of them. I glared at them and they start doing their own thing.

The Thunder Legion's POV

We got our letter and Laxus start to read it quietly so the guild won't hear him but loud enough for us to hear it.

Dear the Thunder Legion,

Thank you for not ignoring us like the rest of the guild. We didn't really talk to each other that much but we'll still miss you. We hope you guys have fun at the guild. Please stay safe and take care of yourself when you guys are on a trip. We'll write you a letter when we join a guild.

Ps Your present is on Lucy's bed, Laxus is the yellow one, Evergreen is the green one, Bickslow is the blue one, and Freed is the purple one. We hope you guys like it!

Lucy, Levy, Wendy and Juvia

Laxus POV

I saw Evergreen started to cry when I finnish reading the letter. I was sad when I heard that they leave the guild. Fairy tail won't be the same without these girls.

I'm sorry if it's bad, I was kind of in a hurry. Please comment and tell me what you think.
Thanks for reading my story 😊

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