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Anastasia Volkov

I woke up on hard cold concrete. My wedding dress was ripped and blood stains all over. I cried. I crawled into the corner. My perfect day ruined. I looked down at my dress and tried to wipe off the blood but it made me cry more.

"Shut the bloody hell up before I come in there and give you something to cry about!" Some one yelled and I shut up immediately. Then rage went through me.

"My fucking wedding day! That's what I'm crying about! My husband and I literally had gotten married maybe five seconds before you kidnapped me!" I yelled and the door opened I couldn't see his face but he came over and punched me hard in the face. I felt my jaw crack and he didn't stop there. He kicked my side and punched me in the face body, stomach. Every where punchable.

"Try me again you Russian bitch next time I won't stop." He said and I sat there in pain. All I could think about was Kol. How badly I needed him right now. I silently sobbed for a while. It felt like hours because the next thing I knew two more men came in. Faces hidden like before. One had a shot of clear liquid with I deduced to be vervain. He stuck the needle in my arm and they lifted me up and took me to what seemed like a lab.

I tried to escape there grasp as I saw them start to tie me down. Soon I heard a man come in and he had a mask covering his mouth and glasses.

"Please let me go.." I begged and he ignored me and grabbed the scissors.

"No.. no not the dress.. please it's my wedding dress.." I pleaded but he contributed to cut the material and ripped it off me only leaving me in my underwear and bra. I wanted to cover myself so bad.

"Saw." I heard the man say and my eyes popped open.

"No no saw! Please I'll give you whatever you want jus- Ahh!!" I screeched as he started to cut through my stomach. Tears poured out and I screamed in pain.

"Ah! Pl-" I sobbed and the pain became unbearable. My screams became louder and I shook in pain. My stomach gushed with blood and then he stopped sawing and I felt my body start to heal itself. Until he put in clams to keep my stomach open. I yelled as the skin stretch. This is sure to scar. I cried and begged him to stop only for him to dig around inside my stomach. He pulled out pieces of organs and took blood samples. I cried.

"Just kill me.. please just kill me.." I cried and then finally the clamps were removed and my skin healed. But leaving multiple scars. I was given another vervain shot and the ties were undone and I was brought back to my cell.

"Chain her up. She gave me a headache with all that screaming." The leader said. My wrists were bound by vervained chains and I hanged there facing the faceless man.

"Please let me go. I've done nothing wrong." I begged. The leader turned me around and I heard something snap on the ground. I immediately went pale knowing what that was. A whip. I gulped and racked myself for the first crack. Which came earlier than I expected.

"Ahh!!" I screamed and then one, two, three more whips later my back burned and the man was laughing.

"When you shut that damn mouth of yours I'll stop." He said and whipped me again and again. The next five I yelled in pain. I couldn't help it. I tried holding it Inez but I don't think he wanted to stop as he did it harder each time.

I guess I was able to make it through as he was called away.

"Unchain her in done for the night." He said and two people unchained me and I fell to the ground. My back was slowly healing. I touched it slightly and flinched. I looked at my hand to see it red. I felt tears come back out.

"Kol.. I love you so much." I said to no one. I just had to say it if I was going to die. No one had bothered me for the rest of the night. I laid on my stomach and curled up on the floor trying to sleep away this horrific nightmare.

Kol's pov

I was in shock. She was just gone. Ripped from my arms. I sat in the living room just staring into nothing.

"Kol get up! If we are going to find Ana it would go faster if you helped." Elijah snapped. I looked at him and nodded. I got up and saw Klaus and Elijah and Damon and Stefan. They had come back for the wedding.

"I saw four guys leave the church when the smoke bombs went off. Two of them went and grabbed Ana." Stefan said.

"The stake how couldn't we have seen it coming toward her?" Klaus asked.

"It wouldn't come out of her. It kept going deeper every time I tried pulling it out." I said sighing rubbing my eyes. None of us had stopped to take off our tuxes.

"Can't you use that witch friend of Elenas  to  track her down?" Elijah asked the Salvatore's.

"She probably will say no but I'll convince her." Damon smirked.

"Then go now." I said and he sped away.

"What must be happening to her?" Stefan asked worried. Anger boiled within me.

"Whoever touches her will wish they were never born. They would wish for an easy death upon them." I growled. Soon Damon was back with the Bennett witch who was in her pajamas.

"I set out a map and everything so do your witchy voodoo and find Ana." Damon said sitting Bonnie in a chair. She glared at us.

"Why would I help you? She killed my best friend." She said not doing magic. I slammed my hand on the table making it crack.
If you do not do this spell I promise you witch you won't be able to conjure up shit when I'm done with you. I'll give you a worse fate then Elena got." I threaten and the fear was obvious in her eyes.

"I-I'll need a personal item of hers." She said and I quickly went upstairs and grabbed her engagement ring. Which she had taken off so the wedding ring would be the only thing on her fingers. I set it down carefully in front of her and she picked it up.

"Your blood please." She held her hand out with a knife. She slit it and blood fell on the map. She conjured the spell up and then the blood started to move. It went north of Mystic Falls and then stopped. It started to circle around a certain area.

"I can't get any closer." She said lowly. I gritted my teeth together.

"Well try harder!" I yelled at her. She jumped and changed the spell once again and the blood made a smaller circle and  Bonnie just about past out. 

"I can't.." she said. I shook my head.

"Get out before I rip your head off." I threatened and she scurried away. I looked at the map.

"Kol now we have an idea on we're she is. Tomorrow we will start looking-"

"She could be dead by tomorrow Elijah!" I cut him off. I refuse to sleep until she is back on my arms.

Not Again //Kol Mikaelson//Where stories live. Discover now