Chapter 1

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Jungkook's POV:
I woke up to my alarm going off. I slowly opened my eyes and turned it off. I just stayed in my bed for a few seconds.

Do I really want to go to school today? Not really, but I have to, or my mom will grow suspicious.

Also, this is the third time I've changed schools in two years. I don't want to keep worrying my mom. She thinks that I've finally found a school I fit in to, and I want to keep it like that.

Even if I have to suffer every school day, I will. I just want to make her happy and not worry about me.

It seems like every time I try to start new, I get the same outcome no matter what. I guess I'm just destined to get bullied and live this depressing life forever.

I looked over at my nightstand to see the framed picture of my parents and I. "I love you dad," I whispered out.

I finally got out of bed to take a shower. I got in the bathroom and started the water. I made sure it steamed up the mirror before I took my clothes off.

I hated looking at myself in the mirror. I hated seeing my skinny, scrawny, pale body. I hated seeing my ugly face with dark-circles under my eyes. I hated seeing the scars on my thighs from past self-harm that I use to do. I always try to avoid mirrors as best as I can.

When I couldn't see myself in the mirror anymore, I finally pulled my clothes off and got into the shower.

The hot water felt nice on my cold, sore body. My back was aching from when my bullies pushed me into the lockers the other day all because I'm gay.

I finally got done and hopped out of the shower. I dried myself off and wrapped the towel around my waist. I brushed my teeth real quick before I went back into my room to go find some clothes to put on.

I decided to go with a loose fitted white shirt, some medium washed blues jeans with rips in them, and my brown timberlands. I threw on a thin black jacket, since it's suppose to be a little chilly today.

I took the full body mirror that I hide in my closet to look at myself real quick to see if I at least look decent. Even though I hate the way I look, I still care about what others think.

When I decided I looked okay, I put the mirror back in my closet and shut the door. I grabbed my backpack and phone and left my room.

As I was heading to the front door I saw my mom in the kitchen. "Morning Jungkook," she said cheerfully. "Morning mom," I said with a fake smile.

"Aren't you going to eat?" She asked me. "No, I will when I get to school. I want to get there early so I can study for a test I have in my first period," I lied to her. I wasn't really gonna eat breakfast. 

"Okay honey, well have a good day at school. I'll see you after work," she said and smiled at me. "Okay, bye mom. See you later," I waved her a goodbye and finally I started my walk to school.

It wasn't that long of a walk, maybe fifteen or twenty minutes.

I finally got to the school and went to the library. I really did want to study a little for my test.

I found an empty table in the corner of the library that was away from everyone else. I decided to sit there and study for my test.

When the bell rang, indicating that school has started, I put my stuff back into my backpack. I threw my bag over my shoulder and started to head to my first class.

As I was walking down the hall, I saw my three bullies heading towards me. I gulped and put my head down and tried to avoid them.

Suddenly I felt someone grab my arm. "You think you can get away from us that easily?" Namjoon said angrily. He gripped onto my arm tighter and I whimpered out in pain. He just chuckled at me.

"Faggot," he spat into my face before he pushed me harshly and started to walk away.

Yoongi followed behind while shoulder checking me and making me bump into the lockers.

Lastly Hoseok grabbed my bag and threw it on the ground. "So long, gay boy," he said with an evil grin.

I closed my eyes before I finally bent down to grab my backpack. Everyone who just saw continued to look at me and did nothing to help. What cowards.

I grabbed my stuff and went back to walking to my first period. I slowly got to class with my head down.

Luckily I went the rest of the school day without them picking on me. That's usually how it goes.

They really only pick on me once sometime throughout the day and then leave me alone until the next day.

It was finally lunch time, but I wasn't really hungry. I went to my original table, already finding the only two friends I have, Jimin and Jin, there.

I'm really lucky to have these two people in my life. If it wasn't for them, I probably would have changed schools again, even if it broke my mothers heart.

We just sat and ate. As usual, I was pretty quite and just listened in on what Jimin and Jin were saying.

I was starting to space out and look around the cafeteria, when I saw him. Kim Taehyung, the schools heartthrob.

He was really popular and especially with the ladies. I was watching him talk to a group of people. He looked gorgeous today.

His light hair sat perfectly on his head with his bangs covering his forehead. I could see he was giving his famous square smile. If only he would smile at me like that.

He was wearing a grey shirt that fit nicely to his body and black jeans. He was also wearing a red and black flannel over his shirt to seal the outfit.

I was snapped out of my admiring when I heard someone call out my name. "Jungkook!" Jin snap at me. I looked at him confused.

"You were spacing out again," he said. "Oh, I'm sorry," I said while looking down.

"No, he was just drooling over that Taehyung guy," Jimin blurted out. "No I wasn't," I glared at him. "Okay whatever you say," he said with a shrug.

I just looked away and played with the hem of my shirt. Finally the bell rang and we split up to get to class.

School was finally over and I started to walk back home. I got home and went straight to my room. My mom usually doesn't come home from work for another few hours until now.

When I got to my room, I just started on my homework, since I had nothing else to do.

I finally finished my homework and I heard someone come through the door. "Jungkook!" I heard my mom yell throughout the house.

"I'm in my room!" I yelled back at her. I heard her feet shuffle closer to my room. She opened my door to greet me.

"Hey sweetheart, how was school?" She asked me. "It was good," I lied to her as I faked a smile.

"Well that's good. Do you want to help me prepare dinner?" she asked me. I nodded my head yes and got up to help her cook dinner.

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