The Business Dinner

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So this is what happened at that dinner Tae had to go to when he couldn't stay with Jungkook for long. I feel like many of you wanted to know what happened, so here it is.
Taehyung's POV:
As I finally arrived home, I noticed my dad's car was there and some other car that I wasn't familiar with, probably the guests my dad brought from his work to have dinner with us.

I finally walked inside and when I did, I could hear talking from the living room and smell food being cooked in the kitchen.

"Tae hunny is that you?" I heard my mom say from the kitchen. I went towards her direction and walked into the kitchen.

"Hey mom," I said while standing next to her and looking at what she was cooking.

"It smells really good," I said while sniffing the food.

"Thanks, it's almost done. Everyone else is in the living room. Why don't you go introduce yourself?" She said while smiling up at me. I nodded my head and then went into the living room. Right as I entered I bowed to the guests.

"Ah, this is my son, Taehyung," I heard my dad say as he stood up and grabbed my shoulder as I picked myself back up. I was gonna say it was nice to meet them until my eyes landed on the one and only, Kim Namjoon.

Next thing I knew, I had Namjoon pinned to the wall and my hands tightly gripping onto his shirt.

"Taehyung!" I heard my mom scream at me. I just ignored her.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I said through gritted teeth while pushing him further into the wall.

"That's enough," I heard my dad say angrily as he gripped onto my arm and pulled me away from Namjoon. His parents ran up to him to see if he was okay. I only continued to glare at him.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I heard my mom say as she smacked the back of my head.

"He was the one who hurt Jungkook! He was the one who made him feel like shit! He was the one who manipulated Yoongi and Hoseok to hurt him! It was him! Do you have any idea how much I had to go through to help Jungkook get better because of what you did?! Seeing him cry almost everyday, seeing him hate himself a little more everyday, seeing him try to end his life, to add just one more scar! Do you even know how much pain I had to go through watching the love of my life lose his hope and self worth?! You ruined him Namjoon! Luckily I was there to put him back together. Now, he's the happiest he's ever been," I yelled out with tears threatening to leave.

The room instantly grew quiet. I looked back at Namjoon and saw he had a blank expression on his face.

"Namjoon, is that true?" His mother asked him.

"Son, were you bullying a kid at your old school?" His father asked right after. All of a sudden he broke down into tears and fell to his knees.

"Yes! I was the one who beat up Jungkook. I was the one who called him those nasty names. I was the one who forced Yoongi and Hoseok to do it with me. It's all my fault! My reputation meant more to me then Jungkook did. I'm sorry," he confessed to everyone.

"You're not still doing that at this other school are you?" His mom asked concerned.

"No, I would never. I'm better than that. I've changed, please you have to believe me," he said.

"It's okay hun, we believe you," his mom said while rubbing his back. I was completely stunned with what he was saying.

"Tae, please. You have no idea how much it eats me inside, knowing what I did to Jungkook. Jin messages me everyday to tell me. Please, I'm so sorry. If I could, I would take it all back. Please," he begged me. I could tell he was being honest and I kind of felt bad for him.

"Okay, I believe you. I'm still not gonna forgive you though because what you did to my Jungkook is unforgivable, but I will trust your words," I told him.

"Thank you!" He said as he finally stood back up and hugged me. I was a little uncomfortable with the hug and Namjoon could tell.

"Sorry," he said as he let go.

"It's okay," I said while awkwardly patting his shoulder.

"Please keep taking care of him. Please make all of the pain I inflicted on him, both mentally and physically, go away. Please reverse everything I did," he practically begged me.

"Don't worry. I've got him. He's okay now, he's better than ever," I said while giving him a hopeful smile.

"Thank you, I would love to apologize to him. I think he deserves it," he said.

"Yeah, he would probably appreciate that. I mean look, he forgave those two knuckleheads of yours and now they're best friends. I would just wait awhile until you do. I don't want him to get triggered right now. He's doing really well and I would like to keep it that way. Just wait until he's been doing good for awhile before you pop up out of no where," I told him.

"You're absolutely right, so I'll come back someday and apologize to him. I promise," he said with a small smile. I nodded at him before we decided to have the most awkward dinner ever.

"Oh and why have you and Jin been texting everyday?" I asked Namjoon real quick.

"Um...just to inform me about Jungkook," he said with a slight blush. I just gave him a knowing smirk before I left it at that and continued eating.

AN- Well hopefully you liked it and hopefully it eased some minds. Love you guys! Have a great day or night, wherever you are in this world.

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