Chapter 19

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Taehyung's POV:
I guess I must of fallen asleep at some point because all of sudden my eyes shot open and I was kind of confused for a second.

After a couple of seconds I remembered that I was in the hospital because of Jungkook.

I looked over to see his mother still next to me, playing with her fingers. Suddenly we both shot up when a doctor called out to anyone who was here for Jungkook. His mother and I quickly raced over to him.

"Are you here for Jungkook?" He asked us.

"Yes I'm his mother and this is his friend," his mother said to the doctor.

"Okay, well I'm sorry to be telling you this, but your son didn't make it. We did everything we can, but unfortunately none of it worked," the doctor said to us.

I couldn't believe what the doctor was saying. I instantly felt the tears coming again. I could tell his mom was at the same state as me.

"No, there has to be some kind of mistake," she said sadly.

"I'm sorry, I really am," the doctor said back.

"No! This can't be happening. Please!" I yelled out at the doctor. Jungkook's mother took me into her arms so I wouldn't cause a scene with the doctor.

"No, no, no, no, no, no!" I yelled into her arms while dropping to the ground. "Why? I can't live without him. I need him. He was getting better. This isn't fair!" I yelled out while sobbing into his mom's arms.

"Shhhh, sweetie," his mother whispered into my ear to calm me down.

I sat there on the floor with his mother hugging me and trying to calm me down for what seemed like hours. After awhile, I was finally able to breath again

"Can we go see him?" I whispered out.

"Yes, of course," the doctor said.

His mother then helped me up and we followed the doctor to Jungkook's room. Once we got there, we walked in and saw Jungkook laying there lifelessly. I could feel the tears already coming again.

I ended up staying in one spot, frozen from shock. I can't believe I actually lost the love of my life. My beautiful Jungkook, is gone forever.

After awhile of just staring at him I was finally able to walk closer towards him. I let out a heavy breath before I finally grabbed onto his hand. He was so cold and pale.

"Jungkook, beautiful," I said quietly. "I'm sorry I couldn't make it better. I'm sorry I couldn't make it all go away. I'm sorry I couldn't get you to see how much you were worth it. I'm sorry I couldn't get you to see how truly beautiful you were. I'm so sorry. I failed the one thing I was suppose to do. I failed the one person that meant everything to me. You were my world. You were my smile, my laugh, my happiness, my life. You had so much of your life ahead of you and I wanted to be there for it all. I wanted to confess my feelings to you. I wanted to take you out on a date. I wanted to kiss you. I wanted to make you mine. I love you so much Jungkook. I loved seeing you smile and hearing you laugh. I loved seeing your cute face in the mornings. I loved cuddling with you and when you would snuggle up closer to me. I loved seeing your blushing face and whenever you got shy because of it. I loved hearing you talk. I loved hearing your thoughts. I just want you back. Goodbye my beautiful. I will always remember you and the love I had for you. I will always cherish our memories together. Thank you for letting me into your life. Goodbye Jungkook, my beautiful angel," I finally said while kissing his forehead.

I rubbed his knuckles with my hand and looked at his face one last time. I couldn't stop the tears from coming. I kissed his hand before I finally let go, walked away, and never looked back.

"Taehyung, Taehyung," I heard my name being called out. I felt someone shaking my body and I finally shot up and opened my eyes.

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