Part 3

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Your POV
I saw Justin running out so fast and I didn't knew why. Actually I wanted to ask him if he liked to be my partner but well I had to do it later.
I was the last one in the classroom. Everybody was already out except me and Mr.Mill.
I put my backpack on my shoulder and I took a leave of him and walked out. The hall was empty and slowly I walked straight to the exit. As I was outside the sun was shining on my body and a small wind blew my hair. Some adolescents were playing basketball and I walked past them. Suddenly I caught a sight of a good looking boy playing with them. He was tall and very muscular. His black hair was wet because of his sweat and his green eyes were sparkling. He had this passion in them like basketball is his whole life.
I didn't realize that I stared at him and kept walking so that I crashed into a latern and all my books were falling on the ground.
"Shit." I mumbled and kneeled down to pick them up while my head was hurting as hell.
"Are you ok?" the boy asked as he jogged over. I looked him directly in his eyes and my mouth was like glued. I couldn't get out a word. He picked up the books and stood up. He reached out his hand and I took it to stand up too.
"I hope you're fine. My name is Maison."
What a beautiful name I thought. His green eyes were sparkling even more and his sweat teared down.
"Ehm...I have to continue playing. Hope we meet one time again." he smiled and ran back to his boys. Quickly I ran away. I didn't want to embarrass me even more.
As I arrived at home I prepared myself for the party. I didn't know what to wear so I just took some pants and a T-shirt. I also corrected my makeup a little. I didn't wear this much because I didn't really like it. I put my hair in a messy bun and walked down to the living room. Brandon was already sitting there and watching TV.
"Finally you're done." he said as if he was pissed that I needed so long. 15 minutes.
He grabbed the remoter and turned off the TV then he took the keys and walked out. I followed him.
We drove to Madison's house. There were a lot of people standing outside and the music was very loud. Some people were also drunk and lying on the ground. I was kinda disgusted. Brandon parked the car and turned around to me.
"Don't drink any alcohol and don't do any stupid things. Got it?" he said seriously.
"Yeah." I answered rolling my eyes and opened the door.
"We will go home in 3 hours ok?"
I nodded and walked in. Brandon behaved like he was my dad. I knew that he just wanted to protect me but I mean I was old enough and I knew what was wrong and what right.
"Heeyy.." Bella greeted me and gave me a big hug. "Let's go and dance a little." she meant and pulled me to the dancefloor. Actually it wasn't really a dance floor it was just a place in the big garden where people danced.
"I don't want to dance." I told her and stopped.
"Don't be like that! Just dance!" She said and did some weird moves with my hands. I was sure that she drank a little. Anyways. I danced a little and searched for Justin. I couldn't find him anywhere because of the big crowd.
"I'm really thirsty. I think I should get myself something to drink." I explained to Bella and walked into the house again.
I was standing in front of a big table with food and drinks. Heeaavvveeenn.
I took a cup and searched for a water bottle. As I found one I wanted to take it but someone else did. I looked up and saw Justin.
"Hey. Want some water?" he asked as he poured water in his red cup. I just reached out mine and he filled it too.
"How's the party going?" he asked.
"Nah. I thought it would be more interesting."
"It will." Justin said and had a big smirk on his face. I looked at him with an irritated face but he just grabbed my hand and walked to the basketball pitch Madison had in her garden. A lot of people were standing around it. It seemed like they were waiting for Justin.
Justin pulled me through the big crowd and we were standing in front of the whole basketball team. Maison was also there and I was about to faint. His hair was styled and his shirt was very tight. You could see his muscles under it.
"What are we doing here?" I asked Justin a little pissed.
"Wait." he answered. He showed me a place were I should sit and I went there. I was sitting on a bench in the first row. Behind me were a lot more benches where people were sitting.
"Well.." Brandon started. "We are going to have a little match. And the looser team will walk around only in boxershorts for a recess."
The whole crowd cheered and screamed. I was a little surprised but I was really excited. I leaned back and crossed my arms. Let the game begin!
"Wait wait wait!!" Madison interrupted as she squeezed her way through the pitch.
"Eww.." she mouthed and straightened up her clothes. Then she looked to the team.
"It's my party and you are all here to celebrate and not to play your little games." She said and crossed her arms. Justin and Brandon looked at each other and rolled their eyes. The crowd was booing and throwing some things at her.
"Well ok! Keep going!" she gave in and walked away. The crowd cheered again and the game started.
I excuse myself. I know I make some mistakes in my English language and I'm sorry for that. But I hope you still enjoy reading.

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