Chapter 7

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......." why was the police here Ashley ?" "Did u tell them what happened ?"
"So now you can't talk? What happened to you!? Why are you in the hospital!? "
Oh how she acted like she really cared.
The nurse walks in "Officer Donlap asks what would you like to eat!? "
I looked up at Linda then back at the nurse. "A number 1 from Mc Donald's"
"Dang little lady, you're gonna eat all of that?"
"Yes maim"
I wanted to tell her I hadn't ate in days but Linda was standing in front of me .

-2 hours later -
Linda sits in the chair rocking back and forward biting her nails . She stands up and start pacing back and forward.

The door opens and in walks Officer Donlap. "here ya go little lady, just what you asked for , a #1 from Mc Donald's"
He looks over at Linda and asks "who are you?"
"I'm her aunt Linda Jackson" she said, as she stood up to shake his hand.

Squinting his eyes he says "does she live with you? "

"Yes seir , she does" she said quickly.
"Would you like to tell me why this young lady is bleeding from in between her legs?"
"I don't kno, she must be going through puberty ."
"Maim, we also found a males sperm inside her womb ."
Her eyes got big as a light bulb.
"Ashley have you been having sex and you didn't come to your aunt and tell me?"
"Maim we think she has been raped"
Linda started to sob. I could see right through her fake cries and tears. Being that she KNEW what had happened.
"Ashley tell us what happened. Who did this to you?"
I put my head down and said "he said he would kill me if I said anything"
"WHO said it Ash, who? U can talk to your favorite aunt!"
"Wait a minute maim, let us handle this!"
"Can you tell her to leave the room?" I asked .
The officer looked over at Linda standing across the room with her arms folded.
"Maim , I'm gonna have to ask you to step outside for a minute with Officer Jones. " Linda gave me one last look and walked out of the room .

......."Now tell me what happened. I know you're scared . I would hate to be in your shoes right now. I would like to catch the bastard that did this to you"
I blurted out " IT WAS AUNT LINDAS FRIEND MARK !!!!"
"Does your aunt Linda know about this? "
........"she was standing RIGHT there " ...I put my head down and started to cry.

Officer Donlap looked at me and turned around and headed towards the door . He opened the door and aunt Linda stood there in fear. "You have the right to remain silent , anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney . If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand your rights Miss Jackson? "

"Wtf are you doing ? I didn't do anything!! This is a mistake!! She screamed , as they forced the hand cuffs on her.
"Maim, stop resisting !!"
"Fuck you! U little bitch! You're a dead one! You just wait til Mark get a hold of you!! Let me goooo!!"

"What's your address Ashley ?" 1012 Westbrook Avenue apartment C . "
"Thank you, I'll be right back"
"If a guy comes in here lookin for Ashley, don't let him in !!" Officer Dunlap tells the nurse!
"Yes seir " she responded

-Back at the apartment-
(Knock knock knock) one answers
(Knock knock knock)
......."kick it in"
As they entered the house , they covered their noses at the horrid smell of mold and rat poison.
"Ohhh God it reeks in here "
They look over at the table were empty beer and liquor bottles lay! And to their surprise they found the heroine line of cocaine and a rolled up dollar bill on the table.

"Jesus , this poor girl ....................

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