Welcome To Ghost Town

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"This is crazy!!!" Ben shouted as he ran from a bunch of rock monsters.

The rock monsters were a race of magic creatures from Ledger Domain that Ben had faced plenty of times in the past when he had to fight the sorceress known as Charm Caster. So naturally, they were one of the many "Bad Memories" that roamed Ben's mindscape.

Ben and the two other aspects of himself, Love and Omni, had already left the part of his mind that resembled Bellwood. Now they were running through the dream version of the Plumber Base that lay in orbit around Earth. Ben had visited the base with his grandfather once when he was going through Plumbers basic training. However, in the real version, all the lights had been working, and the place wasn't infested by Ledger Domain rock monsters.

"Yay!" shouted Love happily as Ben carried her in one arm. "Faster, faster!!"

Omni, who was being held under Ben's other arm merely shivered.

"I'm getting tired of all these guys just attacking out of nowhere!!" shouted Ben as he ran through the dark maze of halls and doorways that ran throughout the collosal base.

"Why don't you just fight back?" Love asked. "As I understand, those guys are pretty weak compared to the guys you usually fight."

"Maybe because I have to protect you two at the same time!" said Ben gritting his teeth.

Love giggled. "Sorry!"

"Aw what the heck!" Ben stopped in his tracks and put Love and Omni down. "Just stay there and stay and don't do anything stupid!"

A flash of green light later, and Ben changed into the rocky planetoid-like alien Gravattack. Gravattack raised his hands and the rock monsters flew into the air. Gravattack then brought his fists down and the rock monsters crashed against the metal floor, breaking into pieces. More rock monsters suddenly came out of a hallway from the right. Gravattack thrusted his hand out and the rock monsters flew down the hallway till they hit the wall on the other end. Gravattack closed his hand into a fist. The rock monsters were condensed and crushed into a rocky sphere. The sphere then fell to pieces.

Gravattack gave a sigh of reilief and pressed the Omnitrix badge on his forehead. Another flash of green light and Ben was back to his regular human form.

"Yay!! Yay!!" shouted Love jumping up and down with glee. "Again! again!!"

"Since when did I have such a carefree side to me?" Ben muttered.

"Well you know what they say about love." said Love giggling. "It's complete bliss! How else would you have enjoyed that kiss with Mikoto so much?"

Ben's cheeks went red. "Hey!"

Love shrugged. "This is in your inner world, remember? Nothing is private."

"That's nice to know." said Ben sarcastically. "I'm so glad that GhostFreak is having a nice laugh looking through my entire personall life."

"You will make him stop...........won't you?" murmered Omni weakly. "You will right......?"

Ben sighed. He kneeled down and placed a hand on Omni's head. "You can count on it."

"That's great and all." said Love skipping around. "But we still have a little ways to go before we reach The Darkness that dwells in your heart."

Ben put Omni sitting on his shoulders and nodded at Love. "Let's go."

Ben walked after the happily skipping Love, who was busy singing Mikoto's favorite song.

"So..........." Ben said. "How far before we reach this Darkness place?"

A Certain Powerful Omnitrix 3: The Hate That Dwells In ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now