Chapter 1

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Warning: The first few chapters of the story is shit so if you cringe at this, just skip a little. Lmao... I APOLOGIZE for my crappy writing skills. I swear Im getting better.

Yep, it was winter break and yours truly here had nothing planned. You would think every teenager in high school had to have a best friend. But god are you wrong. My name's Lauren Jauregui and I'm planning on spending my winter break hiding in my room reading Fan fictions of random people and feeling sorry for myself.

It was 12:14 pm and I had just woken up. Yes, yes I know. It was winter break and you're probably wondering why I woke up so damn early. I usually slept till 1:00pm since I usually had nothing to do.

My first thought was to reach for my phone. Opening it, the only notifications I got were snapchats from people who I had streaks with. I sigh and start sending back to everyone. Once finished, I started scrolling my way through Instagram. I often would drift off to daydreams about maybe being famous or part of a Girl group Singing my way up the charts on iTunes. If only those kind of things happen to people like me.

My daydreams were usually nonsense but suddenly something catches my eye on Instagram. A photo posted by the one and only Beauty, Camila Cabello. I stare at the picture for a while. Camila was attractive. I had a crush on her for about a few months now. This selfie didn't help my situation. Her light brown eyes so warm and full of happiness. Her smile seemed so pure and her lips. Oh god. Just staring at them makes me want to grab her from out of the screen and kiss her. Though I knew someone like her would never fall for me.

2 Weeks Later
I reach over to turn the annoying thing off and pull myself off my bed. Rubbing my eyes, I started waking my little sister who I shared a bunk bed with up.

"Hey Taylor, Time for school." I whispered.

She doesn't move which pisses me off a bit. I started shaking her. Finally her eyes open and groaning, "I don't want to go. Can I have 10 more mins, please?"

"You know I wish I could but I can't afford to be late and have mom blame me. Get dressed fast." I respond, heading towards the bathroom.

I turn on the lights and just stare at myself for a min in the mirror. I sometimes wonder if anyone would even want to look at this face of mine. My green eyes probably scared everyone off. Most of the people in my school had brown eyes. Not a lot of us had different eye colours. I thought being different was good. Now not so sure.

I quickly took a shower and brushed my teeth and applied a little makeup. I threw on my favorite 1975 Black T-Shirt and a pair of black jeans. I ran down stairs to grab an apple and out the door I flew with my bag on.

"Have fun at school honey!" Yelled my mom.

"Of course, mom!" I yelled back. But once I was off the parking lot I rolled my eyes. Who the fuck has fun at school?

I ran just fast enough to reach the bus. I was sixteen now and had a drivers liense but my family couldn't afford a car for me. So I could either walk an hour to school or take a 15 min ride from the bus. Guess which one I picked.

Finally arriving at the school, I look out the window. "Ugh, hellhole." I thought. I got off the bus and started walking toward my locker which was all the way at the back of the school. On my way there, I couldn't help but notice the one and only Camila looking at me. I looked back with a death glare. I really didn't mean to scare her. My face usually does that when I find people staring. Some people would go,
I would just send them the death glare and say nothing. Which usually shuts them up.

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