Chapter 7

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Camila POV




"FUCKING SHUT UP!" I grabbed my phone and threw it across the room.

I had been in my room for the past 3days and I couldn't help but let my tears fall every hour. There were too many painful memories from the past that had come back to haunt me again. They kept reminding me I couldn't be happy. I didn't deserve to be happy.

School was the least of my worries. It wasn't like anyone cared what I was doing.

*Ding Dong*

Great. Who the hell was that? I decided to ignore it and whoever it was could just come back later.

*Ding Dong*

Screw whoever it was.

*Ding Dong*

Whoever it was should fuck OFF.

*Ding Dong*


*Ding Don-

"WHOEVER THE HELL YOU ARE, GO AWAY." I yelled. Couldn't they see there was no one home?

"I'm not going away unless you open this door!" Yelled a voice that followed with a lot more Ding Dongs.

UGH. I stormed outside and ran downstairs and threw open the door. There stood Lauren.

It was quiet for minutes. The green eyed girl stared at me with a expression on her face that I couldn't read.

"Camila..." She whispered.

"What do you wan-" I was cut off when Lauren stepped in and threw her arms around me. It gave me shivers. I missed her and her scent.

She buried her face inside my neck. I could feel her breath hitting me. It was so warm. I hugged back with a huge smile on my face.

"I've missed you." She whispered.

Butterflies flew into my stomach when I heard those three words. I suddenly forgot about the pain. Lauren was all I cared about. Lauren was everything.

"I've missed you too." I whispered back.

After a few minutes of just standing there, she pulled back. But was still holding my hand.

"Camila, where have you been for the past 3 days?! You know how worried I've been? You wouldn't answer your phone and you didn't ever text me back. What's the point of having a phone if you never text people back or answer calls? Especially when they're from me. Dinah and Shawn and a lot of other people are still wondering where you are. You know if something's wrong you can always come to me. You can't just shut yourself from the world. I'm right her-"

"Lauren. Calm down." I cut her off. "As much as I love seeing you ramble, I want to go back to my days in my bed."

"But Camila, what's wrong? Why did you just freak out w-when you saw Hailee?" She paused. "Do... do you guys have history I don't know about?"

I looked down and bit my lip. Of course she would ask this kind of question. I let out a sigh and looked up at her.

I met her glaze. Her eyes looked so sad and worried. What have I done?

"Yea... yea Hailee and I did know each other."

There was silence for a while before Lauren asked again.

"Was there more?"

I hesitated. Should I tell her?



"Do you want to come in and talk about it?" I asked noticing we were still standing.

Lauren muttered a small sure and stepped in.

We stayed in silence until I got uncomfortable.



"You okay?"


"Oh okay."

"Did you guys date?"

I got terrifed at those words. Those words I didn't ever want to hear.

"For 3 years, yea." I let out hoping not to choke.

"Why didn't you just tell me?"

I looked down at my fingers unable to meet her eyes.

"Was there a reason to?"

"Good point." She mumbled.

Tears started to form in my eyes again. I had to hold them back. I couldn't let Lauren see me like this. Not now.

"Hey Camz. You don't have to tell me if you're not ready, okay?" A tear rolled down my face. "Camila..." Lauren moved from her side of the couch to mine and wrapped her arms around me.

I couldn't hold back anymore. I let it all fall down my face.

"I-I'm sorry." I said between sobs. I didn't deserve someone like Lauren. She was too good of a friend.

"Don't be sorry. Just let it all out. I'm right here and always will be. You can talk to me about anything."

"Thank you." I let a small smile appear on my face.

"Anytime Camz." and that's when my eyelids closed and I fell into the dream world.

I opened my eyes and looked around. I tried turning but there was something around my waist. Then it hit me.


A little smile appeared on my face. I turned my body to face Lauren who was asleep besides me. Damn she looked peaceful.

I slowly leaned forward so our foreheads were touching. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around her. The only thing I heard was her breathing. This was the way I wanted it to be.

Could we be more then just friends?
Or would that end our friendship?
I didn't know and I didn't care either. The way our legs were tangled together, arms wrapped around each other, and hair mixed into one made me want to stay like this forever. With Lauren.

Her scent was like vanilla. Warm and cozy. Her body heat gave me shivers and goosebumps. Oh this was heaven.

"Camila..." called a sleepy voice.

"Hmm?" I answered opening my eyes. They were greeted with green ones. I smiled warmly.

"What time is it?"

"Let me check for you." I grabbed her phone from behind me and opened it. God, there were so many messages from Dinah and Shawn and... Hailee?

I ignored it the best I could and the clock read...

"It's 6:35pm" I mumbled.

"WHAT?!" She almost screamed. Lauren got up frim the bed so fast that she rushed out and forgot her shoes.

I whimpered at the lost of contact.

"Lauren, what's wrong?" I asked confused.

"I'm late, I'm late, I'm lateeeee." She muttered running around the room looking for her stuff.

"Late for what?" I questioned her.

She stopped in her tracks and looked up to meet my eyes. She ran her hands threw her hair and said, "I have a date with Hailee."


🙃 Haha. HAHAHHA. Do you finally like some drama? Because writing this confuses me a little.

Anyway ENJOYYYYY And if you have time, follow me on Instagram! I always follow back.


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