Chapter 18

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OML we're so close to 2k views, Im gonna explode. Thanks for everyone who takes their precious into reading my ugly writing.

Did you guys fucking see Fifth harmony at the FamilyGra2017. I WAS SCREAMING. They slay as four like... Camila who?

Haha... okay CONTUINE ON MY LOVES....


"Dinah, are you sure it's going to work?" I asked through the phone.

"Uh, why wouldn't it?" She protested.

"I mean, do you think maybe it's too cheesy? Maybe she won't like it."

"Don't worry, Walz. Lauser's going to LOVE IT!" Dinah shouted, causing me to finch away from the phone.

*Ding Dong*

"Oh shit, Dinah I gotta go. She's here." I informed her quickly.

"Ohhhhh! Have fun and good luck!"


I quickly ended the phone call and rushed to open the door. I brushed my outfit and smiled when I was greeted with Lauren.

"Hey babe. Ready for school?" I greeted her with a hug.

"You bet I am. Let me just go get my backbag."

I rushed to the kitchen and picked up my bundle of flowers. I sighed hoping she would like them. I slowly walked out but when I saw Lauren on her phone, I frowned. She seemed busy typing.

"Lauren..." I quickly said not wanting to interrupt her.

I watched as she removed her glaze from her phone and into the bundle of flowers in my hands. I smiled proudly and handed them to her whist placing a kiss on her cheek.

"Aw, Camz. You didn't have to." She pulled me into a hug and i gladly hugged back.

"It's for my special girl. Are you busy today?" I asked, pulling away.

"Um... not really. Why?" She started walking towards her car and I quickly followed behind.

"I wanted to take you on a date today. Just the two of us. I planned it all out. You don't have to worry about anything." I opened the passenger door for her and waited for her to get in before closing it. I ran over to my side and quickly hopped in.

"Are you sure? I don't want to trouble you and make you do everything. Movie and pizza at your house is fine." I started the engine and groaned at how stubborn she was being.

"Stop being such an ass and let me surprise you. We haven't even been on a real date yet." I told her, pulling out of the drive way.

She didn't say anything after that and we just sat in silence, that was until she decided to turn on the radio. Ed Sherman was on and I loved this song. His music always spoke out to me.

"How much longer until we reach the school?" Lauren asked hopping her foot up and down.

"Around 20 minutes. Why?" I asked raising an eye brow."

"Nothing." But I couldn't help but noticed a smirk on her face when she said it. What was she thinking?

5 minutes past and I was bored out of my mind. I took the same route and traffic was killing me. I wanted to yell out the window to tell the grandpa in front of me to hurry his ass up. I let out a frustrated groan, that didn't go in noticed by Lauren.

"Babe, clam down." I felt her hand rest on my thigh.

"How can I calm down when this b- ah." I moaned and looked down. "Lauren..."

"Yea?" She said innocently.

Innocently my ass.

"What are you-unh d-doing?" My breathing started pick up.

"I'm helping you to clam down." She slowly unzipped my jeans and stuck her hand into my boxers; gripping my member. Shit, this must be heaven.

"Lauren... not now." My knuckles were white from the gripping the steering wheel. But my member decided to have other ideas. I could feel Lauren's grip tighten around me. I was hard and in need to cum.

"Oh my god, Camz. You're so fricking big." I whimpered when she removed her hand. I quickly turned my head searching her eyes for why. Dammit. She wanted me to beg.

I wasn't going to give in. Nope. Not today. I quickly glance down and I noticed a tent in my boxers.

Dammit, Lauren.

"Beg for me baby." She husked into my ear causing another whimper to escape my mouth.

"Lauren..." I whined.

She didn't say anything instead she sat there smirking, waiting for the words of leave my mouth. I'll get back at her...

"Fuck me, Lauren. Make me cum." I growled. I needed her. I needed her hand so bad.

"Whatever you say, baby." I felt her hand grip my dick and god, did it feel good. She pumped me up and down as I started to sweat. My grip on the steering wheel started to get even tighter.

"Unh- Lauren." I panted.

"What do you want, Camz?" She started speeding up.

"I- fuck," Oh my shit. "Faster, Laur, faster."

Her hand obeyed my words and I felt like heaven. I wanted to close my eyes and just enjoy the pleasure but I couldn't. It was hard to focus on the road when your girlfriend is next to you jerking you off. I felt myself getting close, oh crap.

"Don't- uh stop. Keep... going..." I panted.

Her other hand than slid from the side of her body to squeezing my balls.

"Oh... god- Lauren. I-I'm close..." My back started arching up and I felt the need to explore build up in my balls.

"Look at you, Camz. You like my love it when I jerk you off, huh? You like it don't you?"

Lauren and dirty talking together was able to send me over the edge. My body started to tremble as hot sticky liquid came out of me. My knuckles came undone as my climate washed over me. The car was silence as the only sounds were my pants and the radio in the background.

"What was that for?" I said in between breaths.

"For being you." She smirked and gave me a peck on the cheek while getting out of the car. "See you later babe."

I nodded as I watched her walk out into the school of kids.

I sat in my seat and looked down at the mess that was left for me to clean up. Luckily, I had brought an extra pair of jeans today. Blessed. I sighed and floated into my thoughts as to wondering how I got so lucky.

DONT WORRY. I'm not dead... yet. I'm dead on the inside but I won't let that ruin your day.

Hope you liked the smut, I tried my best to by honest so don't be so harsh. 🌚 LMAO


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