Chapter 1: The Opening

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The Main Seven were all walking together in the hall, Pinkie Pie was hanging up a decoration, of a black spider on top, next to the paper sign, that said, 'Halloween Party'. "Thanks, for helping out, with the decorating!"

"It's the least, we could do, for the Halloween party." said Sunset Shimmer, holding the ladder that Pinkie was on. Hearing the word, 'Halloween', sent cold shivers up Fluttershy's spine, making her shake in fear, with no one noticing, and she backed away, to the wall.

"No kidding, it's really hard, decorating, when it's just.. Pinkie and I." Cheese Sandwich said, picking up the left side of a table, while Applejack carried the other side of it. "Thanks, for the help."

"Sure. Besides, I can see why.. Pinkie has fun, with the decorations." Sci-Twi said, looking at him in a distance. She then got distracted, with throwing up the streamers, to the front of the gym. And, she got tangled up in them, which sent her going up. "W-woah!" she kicked her legs into the air, trying to get down. "A little help, here. Someone."

Everyone else turned to look at her. "TWILIGHT!?" the rest of her friends, said in shock.

"I can see, that you're.. AHEAD, of the party!" Pinkie made a joke.

"Yes, I am, Pinkie. Just... too high, for me, if you say, so."

"How, did you, get stuck up.. there?" Rainbow Dash said, grabbing a handful of decorative balloons. "I want in, that looks awesome!"

Sci-Twi shot her a serious look. "No, it is.. not! I was distracted, and I.. accidentally, got myself, tangled up, into this mess."

Rarity looked up at her, holding out her hands. "Ooh!" she wiggled her eyebrows up. "I wonder, what was.. on your mind, Twilight," she referred to Timber Spruce, making her blush. "Please, I don't want to talk about this, now, Rarity. Can someone, please, get me, down? This is embarrassing--What if, Timber, sees me, like..thi--"

"What if, I see you, like this?" Sci-Twi's eyes widened, looking down. "Timber!?" she giggled nervously, "It's so nice, to see you." she blushed in humiliation. "This is embarrassing, now, he's going to think, I look like a silly goofball." she whispered to herself.

"You know, I can hear you." said Timber.

"Oh, great." Sci-Twi looked away from him, being embarrassed.

"You know.. I don't think, you look like.. a silly goofball. I think, you look cute, up there. Like, a beautiful maiden, in distress."

Sci-Twi giggled and blushed. "Oh, stop it. You're just saying that...'Cause, I'm wrapped up, in these streamers."

Timber chuckled, "No, I'm not." the other members of The Main Seven, giggled, seeing the cute moments, that showed that they both liked each other.

"Don't worry, I'll help you, get down, now." Timber said, walking. He walked to Rainbow. "Can I.. borrow, these balloons, Rainbow?" he pointed to them, in her hand. "Sure. But, I don't know, what you're going to do, with them?"

"You'll see." he grabbed them. "Give me, some more." Rainbow gave him some more. And, he holded them, while running near Twilight. He tied all of the balloons around his waist, and he floated up into the air, and quickly grabbed her, along with the streamers. The steamers fell down, like confetti. "Timber, where are you--" Gloriosa Daisy ran into the gym, and stopped, when she saw that her brother was stuck with Sci-Twi, floating at the ceiling. "Oh, no, now, you're stuck! What are, you, doing.. up, there?"

"You, see, he was trying to help, Twilight, get down. 'Cause, she got caught up, in.. 'em, streamers." Applejack told her, walking to her.

"No, now, what do we, do?" Rarity said.

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