Chapter 12

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Ever since Jessica told Sportacus the good news, he couldn't stop thinking about it. He came every day to her apartment (most of the times with Joshua) to take care of her and to decide when and how they will move all of her stuff to his house.

But when Stephanie's death anniversary drew closer, he began to think of it again. Suddenly the time passed so fast, and only now he began to realise that Stephanie's gone. Sure, he was the happiest with Jessica, yet he begins to miss Stephanie, like he did for the first two months after her death, before he and Jessica got together.

The day of her death kept rolling in his mind for the past week, as a nightmare.

He remembered everything.


It was a normal summer day in LazyTown. Stephanie, Sportacus and their 6-months-old son, Joshua, were having breakfast when Stephanie said she'll be out of town today.

"Are you sure that's ok with you?" she asked.

"Yes, of course it is. You deserve a day off, right? Joshua and I will be fine." He told her and smiled, and she smiled back.

"Alright. Just call me if you need anything." She said and he nodded.

It was less than an hour since Stephanie left the house, she called to Sportacus' phone. Sportacus wondered what she needed, but picked it up.

"Hey, honey, what do you need?" he asked.

"Excuse me, am I talking to Mr, um, Sportacus?" asked the man on the other side.

"Y-Yes. Who are you?" Sportacus asked. He began to worry.

"I'm sorry, but your wife got into a horrible accident. We're driving her to the Dance Ville hospital." The paramedic told him.

Sportacus began to freak out. He hung up the phone, dropped Joshua at Stingy and Trixie, explained them what happened, and drove his airship towards Dance Ville.

When he got there, the doctors said that she was taken into a surgery, to see if she can be saved.

After around 3 hours later, Stephanie moved to another room, and Sportacus could finally see her.

"Can I see her now?" he asked one of the doctors.

"Yes, you can. But unfortunately I have to tell you that she might not survive. We did our best, and it seems that she's trying to hold on, but she won't survive long." The doctor explained.

"I see..." Sportacus said, and the doctors could see the sadness in his eyes.

He entered the room and he saw Stephanie just lying there, covered with bandage around her and was on a respirator.

So many fears was coming to his mind. How he will get along with Joshua all by himself? He's less than 1-year-old! Will he ever get to love again anybody like he loved her? Will he find anyone to love him like Stephanie did? Will anyone want him as a single parent? Will he ever get over her death?

He took a deep breath and sat next to her bed.

He took her hand in his and began to talk to her, hopeful that she will hear him and wake up.

"Stephanie... Please don't go. Please don't leave me alone."

He began to cry.

"I need you. Joshua needs you. We both love you so much. We both need you. Please... Don't leave us. I love you."

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