Secrets become Life.

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Connor' P. O. V.
" like her, it's just."
"Just what?, Your to cool to admit it. Because you were pretty confident about why you don't like her."
"Its just that I knew that this would happen"
"what do you mean?"
"I wanted this to happen"
"Why in your right mind would you 'Want' this to happen?!"
"I wanted this to happen because... well, just wait..." I tried walking back to the dorm when Death grabbed my arm.
"You better fix this... " I shoved him off of my arm and walked back to the dorm.
I walked in to see Blare throwing the knifes I got her at the wall. Geez, she's got good aim.
"hey... You got a minute?" I asked while walking in, I'm not one for getting a knife thrown at me.
"Sorry I'm a little Psycho right now... "
"Oh come on. I didn't mean that."
"Then what did you mean Connor!?"
"I didn't mean anything that I said earlier. Your not psycho. Your awesome. Talented. And smart." I looked at her bright red face. She's not one for compliments.
"Then why did you say it?"
"I... I wanted Death off my back about the subject."
"oh... "
"Please don't hate me... "
"I don't hate you...i just...nothing, it's nothing."
"What's nothing?"
"Then why did you give me the knives?"
"I... Um...I don't know... "
"Oh OK. Well thanks for clearing that up" Blare got up and pulled the knives out of the wall.
"Here." She held out the knives in the box in her hands.
"Well obviously there was no reason to give them to me in the first why have me keep them" I took the box from her.
"I... I just"
"Just don't. I've been through so much things..." Blare walked out of the room. I really did screw it all up didn't I?
Ruby' P. O. V.
"Hey Yang? Can we talk?"
"Yeah... What's up?"
"well I just wanted to tell you that I'm okay with you dating Death. It's fine. I'm happy for you guys."
"Really sis? Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"
"I should probably go talk to Death since he thinks I'm ignoring him."
"You have been!" we heard a yell from outside the door. I opened it to see Death standing there.
"What do you want Death?"
"I want you to stop ignoring me"
"Well I stopped. So there you go" I was still a little mad but not noticeable, right?
"Thank you... " I walked out of my dorm and down the hall to see Blare sitting in the hall with her head on her knees.
"What's wrong Blare?" She looked up.
"Oh I'm fine. I just needed somewhere to think"
"hm okay... "
"So whatcha thinking about?"
"what kind of stuff?"
"Why do you ask some much questions?"
"I get curious okay? It's not my fault."
"Hmph. Well I gotta go find the library. If I could just find the beginning of the maze first"
"Haha I know this place is huge... It's just down the hall and to the right. You should see it"
"Okay thanks"
"No problem" she walked off and I... Well I just stand here...or do I?

Hey guys hope you are enjoying this book so far! Vote for more chapters! ^-^ Peace Out!

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