A Magpie

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~The story behind the Magpie~
Magpie' P. O. V.
"What do you mean mom?"
"we think you should go to beacon..."
"But why!? I'm perfectly fine right here. "
"You need to make friends. And you'd be a great huntress. They have already accepted you"
"They what?! You mean to tell me that you guys are telling me at the last minute that I have to go somewhere that I don't even know the name of and just expect me to go along with it?!"
"Yeah pretty much... We just thought you'd be happy!"
"well I'm not!"
"Well your going anyways and that's the end of it! Go pack. You leave tomorrow morning."
"Ugh! This is so unfair!" I stomped up the wooden tree stairs and went to my room. I can't believe I have to go to some annoying school
I got done packing last night and I just woke up. I put on jeans and my over sized Harry Potter sweatshirt shirt. Today was the day I leave... I was literally being forced to...
"Hi mom,...bye mom" I said while coming in the kitchen and grabbing chocolate milk and then walking back out. I wasn't very happy with my family but I wanted chocolate milk and when I want chocolate milk, I get chocolate milk.
I got my bags and got on the space craft thing, after saying goodbye to my parents. On eBay had clothes and the other was a mix of books and bronze knives. I hid the knives inside the books so they would catch them on the scanner. I know I'm awesome at hiding things. I walked to the back and stared out a window. Everyone had friends.
A mysterious guy walked up to me. He was wearing a mask that covered his eyes. With black hair and red, black, and white armor. He seemed...'Nice'...more like scary but nice.
"Hi..." He greeted me.
"Hi what did you need?"
"I uh just saw you here all alone. I'm death. Whats your name?"
"oh uh I'm Magpie."
"hi,  I like your name"
"Thanks, So what's your Specialty?"
"Oh uh Knives, I like knives"
"Same. I like Bronze knives."
"Wow. So we have the same specialty. That's awesome."
Next day
I got put in a group with Death and another girl. She seemed a little tough but also nice. She had  long Aqua hair in a ponytail that went to her ankles, short Jean shorts, black high knee heeled boots, An aqua crop top with a Grey hoodie. She Doesn't say much, She's really shy most of the time...
Er Mah gerd
And were back to reality
Magpie' P. O. V.
We had training today but our team was affected by the loss of Blare. She can't be active for about 8 more days.
We were on our way back to our dorm when we heard shouting coming from our open dorm door.
It sounded like Blare and Qrow. We slowly walked towards our dorm.
"YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS?" I heard Blare yell.
OK now I think Qrow was telling her about how she can't be active...makes sense now.
We started to walk away until we heard~
"You 3 get back here now!" Blare yelled from in the dorm. How can she hear us, like god damn she's got ears. We walked into the dorm.
"Good luck with her" Qrow said while walking out.
"Thanks a lot. " We went in and I went to reading my book. Connor and Death was playing on the Xbox like usual.
Blare was on her phone. She doesn't talk to us as much as she did before... We still don't know why she left...
"Hey Blare... Why did you leave?" Blare looked over at me. That question caught Connor's attention also making him die on the game.
"I... I went to train with... Well my mom, I got to meet her"
"that still doesn't explain why you ignored us for a week straight before that"
"I... Had a lot on my mind"
"Feel free to tell us because honestly you got nothing else to do..." I said while putting my book down. Connor and Death stopped playing and we all stared at Blare.
"Thanks for the spot light but I'm good. I really don't like being interrogated..."
"well to bad. We want to know!" Death said.
"Geez... Death... Tell us Now!" Connor said. I kinda laughed.
"Fine! I was thinking about how I have the water element blood in me... I'm the next air after my mom to be the goddess of water... OK now that I think about it. It's not a big deal. "
"ARE YOU SERIOUS!?" I yelled.
"That is the most biggest deal ever in eternity!" Death yelled.
"Yeah I guess... So now your not blaming me for keeping secrets?"
"No this secret is huge! You should of told us!!!" I said while pacing back n forth.
"So... Uh...what's a big deal about the water element?" Connor said.  We all looked at him.
"You know Fire, Wind, Earth, Water. The things that make the whole universe. Yeah well she has to be able to control the power of water before her mom passes away or..." I paused...
"Or what?" Blare said a little frightened. I had read a lot of books on the elements and how they are controlled.
"Or else you disintegrate into thin air and all the water on earth disappears..."
"Yeah no pressure at all on me" Blare said while getting up.
"what are you doing?" Connor said.
"Magpie close the door please. I need to show you guys something"
"OK... " I shut the door and watched as Blare made herself get surrounded by water. It was like a shield...then it disappeared.
"That is what I have been practicing..." Blare said while sitting back down.
"Geez...so you can make water with your hands, you can move it?" Connor said while grabbing the controller again.
"Yeah pretty much...oh also I can freeze it." Blare made a book made out of water and froze it.
"Here you go Magpie" She handed me the Frozen book.
"OK I'm gonna say this once and only once...Go Damn Women"
I set down the book on my bed and picked up the real book and started reading again...I've read this Harry Potter book like 20 times already but I read all of my other books that I brought so I chose the best one...
I glanced over to see Blare dropping water drops into her mouth.
"What the?"
"Oh I'm bored so why not... "
"ok then...why don't you go do something..."
"I don't feel like it..."
"You know you don't have to stay in bed 24/7. You just can't go to training that's all. "
"I know. But I just like staying in bed..."
"God you lazy women..."
"I know"
"Wow. Your still in bed?" Death said while walking in with Connor.
"Yeah so... What's it to you?"
"You should go do something...you could go to the town with Connor..."Death said.
"Um I'd rather stay here..."
"Oh come on. You'd blow off Connor for your bed?!" Death yelled at Blare.
"Yes I would! I'm very close with my bed!" We all started laughing.
"Blare... You should go... " I said while taking her phone away from her.
"Oh come on!...fine...lets go... "
I waited until she was out of her bed to give her the phone back.
Connor' P. O. V.
We headed to town and walked around. She seemed on ease... It was awkward between us since the whole knife situation...I stopped her.
"Look... Blare I'm sorry"
"For what?"
"For what I said...There was a reason why I gave you those knives..."
"Because I like you... I just. I didn't want to tell you. And when you left I thought it was because of me...i thought I had lost you... "
"oh... "
"I'm sorry Blare... That I didn't just tell you... "
"It's...It's Ok, i get it" I kissed her, I thought she would push me away but... she didn't...
*And the awkward silence happens. That's great. Everyone likes awkward silence*

Hey guys. Thank you for being so patient on this chapter. I've been trying to work on it as often as I could. So hope you enjoyed! Peace Out!

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