10 (im going insane!)

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im awake and in pain. its been a long day for me, like seriously! i woke up early for once other than for school. I'm still tired but I can't sleep once I wake up.

I walked to my full length mirror and admired myself. I look horrible! Why do they even like me? I feel too skinny. Like a stick. Am I sick?! Oh god what if I am?!

My phone rang and distracted me from my thoughts. I picked it up and answered it.

"uh hello?" I said.

"hey clarissa good morning"

"Lou! Hey morning to your too. How's lux?" I asked.

"she's great. I need help with getting the boys ready for tonight's. concert" she said.

"okay I'll be right over. Wait! I need transportation. Oh wait never mind"

"okay I'll see you then"

"kay. Ba-bye lou" I said and hung up. I quickly jumped in the shower. It took like ten minutes, it's a record!
For me-_-

I got dressed in a crop top and jeans. I died my hair once again. I picked up my phone and called a taxi.


I got there just in time to get the boys ready.

I got the 5SOS boys plus Niall-_-
And Lou got the rest of 1D.

We quickly finished and the boys were off.


Ten songs later*

The boys were now singing teenage dirtbag. I was surprised, actually everyone was.

Josh and I have been planing a prank to pull on the boys tonight.

Ashton played the drums, while Niall, Luke, Michael, & Calum were on the guitars and basses.

I always wanted to see all nine boys on the same stage at the same time.

"clarissa? Are you drooling?" Paul joked.

"aaawhat? No! I was just thinking." I lied, sort of. I turned away and wiped the side of my mouth.


"okay I'm ready! Josh lets do this, man!" I said grabbing the pie's. Josh followed.

We walked towards the stage and just waited. It was josh, his brothers, paul, and I.

Time to see some pie faces. Hahahaha
*evil laugh*


we were about to got attack all nine boys but decided to wait for the perfect moment.

I just watched from backstage. Harry twerked on Luke. Haha.

The boys are everywhere. They just can't stay still.

I lolled over at the boys. "ready?" I asked. They nodded. "let's do this!"

We ran on stage and smashed the pie on their faces.

I got Louis, Niall, & calum. It was hilarious! I swear.

I didn't get to see who got Harry but its was all over his face. I saw him trying to yet up, but he slipped. Haha what an idiot!


We ran backstage to have a laugh. Out job was done and dirty.

"holy fuck, that was awsome!" I said. We all high fived. "damn, the boys are gunna be mad at us".

"no, they're gunna be mad at you" josh corrected.

"mm hm but you helped" I defended.

"dammit" thy muttered. I smiled. Yawp. I win. For once. Now I've just got to wait for payback. Ooh I didn't think of that. Oh well I'll deal with the consequences.

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