XXI. Mega Man

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After Sonic left, I had a bad feeling he wouldn't be coming back. It wasn't that I expected that he would die or anything; I just had this tugging feeling in my stomach.

I slept for a really long time, and when I woke up, my arm was back, but there was something wrong. The weirdest thing was that I wasn't Mega Man, even though I was in that state when I had lost my arm. I was Rock. It didn't matter, but it was weird. The other thing was that I could barely move any parts of my body, as if I had been paralyzed all over. Eventually, I sat up, but that was after I had some help from Dr. Light. 

"You okay, Son?" He asked. He was worried, and I didn't want him to be. "I don't want you to exert too much of your energy." He handed me an E-Tank as he spoke.

"Of course." I smiled, though I'm sure I didn't look convincing.

For a dreadful moment, neither of us said anything. Our eyes met, and for once, his didn't look filled with hope and promises. They were full of uncertainty and fright.

"Sonic was right." He covered his hands with his face. He still hesitated with every word. "The virus is in you."

I pulled my knees towards me. Even though we had suspected it, it was still was really bad. Living beings with hearts were fragile, but robots could easily be destroyed too. And knowing Dr. Wily and how much he hated me, I wasn't so sure he would have much mercy.

"I won't let anything happen to you." Dad promised. "Dr. Lalinde is going to help me and we're going to fix this. I don't care what we have to do. Nothing's going to happen to you. You've been through far too much already with Dr. Wily."

"I know." I replied. But I was scared. If I didn't die, even though robots technically can't die, I would turn against everybody. And that had happened too many times. I didn't like it. I didn't like Dr. Wily. And I didn't like anything he did. I rubbed my stinging eyes. "Why does he do this?!" I sobbed.

"Rock... I don't know." He hugged me, his arms warm and inviting. I wished he would never let go and that everything really would turn out fine. But this was reality, and things rarely had a fairy tale ending. "I honestly don't know. Maybe it was his want for power. He had a fine life... He was famous, he was... He had everything."

I rubbed my eyes again and looked up at him. He was still always confident in everything he did. 

Roll rushed in to tell us something, but, as always, she was too tongue tied to actually get any words out. It was something about Sonic, and after my father helped me get off the table, he ran to the other room, where he could watch a dot that portrayed Sonic go through the town.

Roll helped me go to Dr. Light, and it was then I realized how miserable Sonic must have really been through Wily's Castle. My legs were wobbly and I couldn't stop yawning. I felt like an old grump. I guess it was lucky that he forgot everything he had to go through in there.

The dot was stuck in the snow, moving slowly towards the town Dr. Lalinde lived in. So nothing was really wrong, he was just taking his time through the freezing climate.

I chuckled. "He's fine, Roll." She looked at me with a grimace. 

"He'll freeze to death!" She shouted. "I hardly think that means he's fine.

Dr. Light laughed. "Don't worry, Roll. I saw to that. I just hope he makes it and doesn't do anything too rash. Though will all the forces around, I don't see how he could get through quietly."

I looked at the monitor. "He'll be fine. I doubt anyone will see him when he rushes by at the speed of sound."

Dr. Light smiled and chuckled like what I had said was more cute than plausible. "I'm sure he will." He added. 

I leaned against a wall for support, because I was getting more and more tired and weak by standing. My legs were about to give out and my eyes were sore. "Are you sure Dr. Lalinde will be able to help? I mean, she knows everything you do." I asked.

Dr. Light sighed. Roll looked at me sadly. "I sure hope she can."

As if on cue, Tempo came in, her hair flat against her back. She wasn't in her fighting/helping mode, and she looked exhausted. But she looked at me as if we were on a roller coaster, as if she was scared. Her eyes were wide, and I knew she was asking, are you okay? I replied by shaking my head. 

"I am going to take Rock back to sleep." She announced. Half of me had really hoped she would say that, and half of me hoped she wouldn't. But I rubbed my eyes and yawned, agreeing that I needed some more rest. She grabbed my arm because I was about to fall over and we went back to the room I had just been in.

I sat up on the table, waiting for Tempo to say something. I was sure there was something on her mind, but, as always, she didn't really say anything for a while. 

Then, suddenly, she spoke. "If you have the virus, I do too." She didn't look frightened at all, but she looked at the ground as if there was something moving across it slowly.

"But you didn't touch Sonic when he had the virus." I shrugged. "It might be transferable living being to robot as opposed to robot to robot."

"If you are wrong, then the entire world is at stake." She almost looked like she was crying. "And it would be our fault completely."

"Yeah, the world would end, but it would still be Wily's fault." I explained. "It wasn't Sonic's fault he got the virus. And it wasn't Sonic's fault that I got the virus, and vice versa. Therefore, it wouldn't be your fault if you got the virus from either of us. And, trust me, if I gave you the virus, the other robots would all get it... Including..." I paused. "Roll."

Even though I had just explained that nothing was anybody's fault, it still made me feel guilty to think that Roll and Tempo might have the virus. They were my best friends.

I yawned. "I wish Sonic and Dr. Lalinde would get here soon. I'm tired."

"Yes. I also miss my mother." She added.

I grabbed her hand with mine, and we waited for Sonic to come back, hoping he would be able to bring Dr. Lalinde and that she would be able to help. If she couldn't... Then, well, everyone really might be absolutely doomed.

Enemies Merge (A Sonic / Mega Man Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now