XXIll. Mega Man

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First thing first, I went over to the fake Mega Man, seeing if I could drain his energy. For a moment, I stared at him, waiting to see if he would get up and try and destroy me. His eyes were closed, but if he could say anything, it would be something like, 'Go ahead. Do it. You won't like the outcome.'

 I shuddered and looked back. The lab wasn't that far away...

Then I touched his Mega Buster, and I got hundreds of virus warnings. The energy felt... different. Cold and uninviting, yet pleased to be inside of me. It was as if each molecule had a mind of its own.

"Dude?" Sonic asked, skidding to a halt as he realized I wasn't following. "What are you doing?!"

"I... Need energy..." I said. I was definitely feeling more powerful and less drained... which doesn't make much sense. I just hoped the viruses would be nothing to worry about until we got back to Dr. Light's.

"Stop!" Sonic shouted, trying to pull me away. But when he touched me, he got zapped and yelped. Even I hadn't expected that. "Jeez, that was uncalled for."

Finally, I gasped and got up, all the energy I could handle in my reserves. "Sorry. I-I didn't mean to..."

"Your eyes..." He said, backing away. He looked strangely wary. "They're all... Weird."

The virus. Not all the other ones. THE one. That was my first thought. I needed to get back to the lab. But could the town wait? Or was I going to have to wait? But after what I had just done, it would be a long time before Dr. Light would be done.

"Look; maybe you should go back to the lab." Sonic suggested. "There's just three more robots. How-"

"Don't underestimate them!" I shouted. Yeah, that shocked him, too. Well, not literally this time, but... "We have to do this together!"

He still stared at me suspiciously, as if he suspected that I was actually a murderer this entire time. "If you're sure... Then let's do this quickly."

"Yeah. Quickly. The problem is, how are we going to do this 'quickly' if we don't know where the bots are?"

He tapped his foot for a moment. "Where's your dog? He can fly, right? And I can run fast, so we can do both air and ground travel and search for them."

I whistled for my dog, waiting for him to come, wishing, hoping, praying that he was okay. If he was lost in the ruins with all the other robots we had had to destroy already... I would never forgive myself. "You get a head start." I told Sonic. "I'll catch up." Hopefully.

Sonic stayed put for a few seconds, then took off. It took a few dreadful minutes of waiting, but Rush eventually came. He had minimal damage, too. I hopped on top of him and started to patrol the devastated streets.

Bass and Treble and Quick Man had no reason to be hiding. They were powerful, and together, they had already thrown the city into chaos. What did they have to be afraid of?

Well, nothing apparently, because in the corner of my eye, I saw Sonic go flying into a building, debris toppling onto him. Unless there were other robots, which I seriously doubted, Sonic had found Quick Man and Bass and his dog. Or... they had found him. Either way, the battle had begun, and was probably going to go in intervals like this until we could get them cornered.

"Rush! Down there!" I yelled to my dog, and he obeyed quickly. He dropped me off by the pile of bricks that had smashed Sonic and stayed by my side. We needed all the help we could get. 

"Sonic?" I called, throwing the bricks off. I kept a watch out for the other robots. "Are you in there? Are you okay?"

I finally found one of his hands, which was twitching slightly, which either meant he was in pain, but alive, or just flat out having one of those twitching episodes after death. I really hoped it was just the painful one. Sure, Sonic might have wished differently at the moment, but I needed him.

Enemies Merge (A Sonic / Mega Man Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now