XXVII. Mega Man

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Tempo tied the rope around her as tightly as she could; She did it quickly and efficiently. Next, I took a few feet of rope, circling it around my waist and tying a few knots, pulling on it and exaggerating the motions of my arms so Sonic didn't feel like we were trying to kill him or something.

Finally, Sonic stared at it. He took a deep breath, and tied so many knots we lost count. It took him so long, I sat down with my head on my fist, nearly falling asleep. "What if there's water down there?!" He asked. I jumped up. "I don't want to drown!"

"Uh..." I blinked. "Okay. Tempo, are you sure you know what you're doing?"

She nodded, like a girl who was a huge fan of me would. "Yes! You can rock climb, right?"

"Of course." Sonic answered.

She ran over to the rocky wall, forgetting we were attached to her. Sonic and I tripped, rolling over each other and getting the rope tangled. It took us fifteen minutes just to fix that. 'No, Sonic, I said go under the rope, not behind me.' 'Oh, wait, I guess I need to go between your legs... Oh, that's awkward...' 'No! Sonic! Don't move! It's perfect!'

So it took some time. Once we finally figured it out, Sonic was annoyed (probably rightfully) and Tempo was still super excited. She went first in the special rock climbing experience, then me, then Sonic. 

She used her drill in some of the spots where it was harder for the three of us together to climb, and for a while, it went great. We all focused on what we were doing, and when one of us slipped, it put a lot of stress on Tempo, and we all had to stop. It was never so bad that we couldn't recover. But the walls were becoming smoother and smoother. Then we came to a big problem. "You guys are going to have to let go."

"What?!" Sonic and I said in perfect unison.

"There are no more rocks." She explained. "You two can't continue to climb. I'm going to have to drill into the wall. You guys will have to hang down below me."

"Why?!" Sonic asked frantically.

"Will you just trust me?" Tempo snapped.

"Will you be able to catch us?" I asked. " The physics of the force of us falling adds to the weight."

"I'm going to put my drill far into the wall." The sound of drilling filled the air for minutes. It really wasn't a pleasant sound. Sonic tried to say something to me, but I couldn't hear him.

"What did you say?" I asked him a few minutes later, when there was finally silence.

"Uh... I forgot." He smiled and shrugged.

"Okay, are you guys ready?" Tempo asked.

"For what?" Sonic asked, as if asking would cause everything to get better.

"Were you not listening?!" I asked.

"On the count of three, let go." She said calmly. I could tell she was nervous. I checked my arsenal of weapons. Fire, electricity... and some other stuff that would be useless. This was completely up to Tempo. If I had gotten her drill, I could have helped her. But it was too late now.

"Oh, right!" Sonic said. He didn't say anything after that. I thought he was scared that there was water at the bottom...?

"You can do this." I told her. She nodded in response. She was sweaty.

"One..." Her voice was shaky... "T-two..." I closed my eyes. "Three!" I let go. We weren't going to make it. There was no way. 

I gasped as my body was yanked sharply. My body was curved, looking up at Tempo and the unending darkness that was the ceiling. Tempo was pouring all her strength and concentration into making sure she didn't lose her grip on the wall.

Enemies Merge (A Sonic / Mega Man Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now