XXV. Sonic the Hedgehog

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I dreamed about going on an adventure, but instead of Tails being by my side... It was Mega Man. And Tempo was the replacement for Knuckles. Eggman was still the enemy, but just thinking for the millionth time that I would never see my friends again...

"Dude, come on, Egghead's a loser. He's not going to get away that easily." I would say.

"I can't run as fast as you." Mega Man replied. "You know that."

"Just call Rush! Fly with the wind that I... er, run with!"

"Fine. You're such a pain sometimes."

"Of course!"

Then Tempo would come. She would still have no emotions, and be just as confusing or annoying.

"Oh great." I would roll my eyes. "You."

"What is it about me that is great?" She would reply.


"You said, 'oh, great.' What's so great?"

"No, it's a common expression..."

"I don't understand... Are you saying that I am great or not? And if you're not saying that I'm great, haven't you heard the expression, 'if you've nothing to say, don't say anything nice at all?'"

"Tempo, I don't think that's how the saying goes..."

The adventure seemed to go on for hours, a dream that would never end. Eventually, though, Tails - er, Mega Man - and I got lost, and I kept hearing him calling my name.

"Sonic... Sonic... Sonic...?"

"It helps if you give me some general area that you're in, Mega Man!" I yelled impatiently.

Then the whole world seemed to tumble, and it all faded away, and I saw Tempo and Mega Man in front of me in the lab. That is, the room I was first in when I appeared in Mega Man's world after Wily was a jerk. The room I slept for a week in. It was a lovely experience.

"Why am I back here?" I asked, shielding my eyes from the lights when Tempo attempted to turn them on. She got the message and only turned them on a bit.

"We couldn't wake you up." Mega Man shrugged. "It hasn't been all that long."

"Well... Then... How long?" I asked.

They looked at each other. "Well... Er... About a week. Maybe a bit more... Like..."

"Two weeks and three days." Tempo finally said.

"We can't afford that amount of time!" I shouted. "It's like we've started all over!

"Sonic, relax." I swear I heard her chuckle. "We've found where Wily's hiding, and he's still there. You and Rock can go and scout it out whenever you're ready, not as soon as possible."

"I'm always ready!" She wasn't convinced. "How are you, Mega Man? Virus free?"

He looked down. "Yeah. It only took half the time you were asleep. I had extracted a bunch of viruses from Wily's Mega Man, it turned out, as much as he had helped. But the main culprit was your virus, so I'm still blaming you!" He made the last part out as a joke, and it was. I didn't take any offense to it, and I shouldn't have. But it still seemed like it was a comment he shouldn't have made.

"Hey! Wily's the jerk here!" I chuckled. But the memories still clouded my mind. And it just made the moment more awkward. 

"They still want to check a few more times before we go to make sure I really don't have any more viruses. And whatever you do, stay in here." He was... Unusually serious.

"What? Why? Is there some sort of deathly gas out there?"

"You could say that." Mega Man muttered.

"No." Tempo replied stoutly. "The police are investigating everything that happened, and..." She acted as if it was something really terrible, and I was pretty sure it was something having to do with me.

"They're pretty sure you're involved." Mega Man finished. "This room almost looks like it's not here, so they shouldn't come in."

"Wait, they think I'm helping Wily?" I wanted to laugh. It was ridiculous! After all I had done... "They've thought I've been with him this entire time. Can't they just give it a rest? I don't even look like a robot! I look like a... an awesome."

"They think you were helping the robots," Tempo explained, "and they think you died along with the rest. We think... It would be best if they kept thinking that. For everyone."

"But... I'm a hero!" I complained. "Everyone should know what I did for your city!"

"Seriously?" Mega Man looked like he was tired of me. "That's what this is about? Your arrogance?"

"But I saved all their sorry butts! I deserved to be recognized!"

"Yeah, good luck telling them that."

I folded my arms stubbornly. "See if I ever come back here and save everyone again."

"I don't think you'll have a problem with that." Mega Man's voice changed from annoyance to hopefulness. "Dr. Light's changing our dimensions so that you should never have the problem of running into us again. And..." He looked at Tempo, and she nodded. "If you don't want to help me defeat Dr. Wily, you don't have to. Dad finished the teleportation device while you were asleep! ... So... I guess this is goodbye..."

I jumped out of the bed. "You kiddin'? I wouldn't miss the final fight for the world!"

Unexpectedly, he jumped up and gave me a hug. "Thanks."

Dr. Light had given this kid way too many ways to be dramatic. "No problem. Now get out there and get all those people to leave so we can get to the stupid castle!"

"Right!" He said, sprinting out of the room. Tempo caught the door before it slammed shut. She smiled before exiting, which... I couldn't really decipher it. Was it a 'thank you'? Was it a, 'you guys are so cute together! Awww!' Ew. No. That so wasn't Tempo. Time to pace the room for hours! Or just drool on a pillow. Yeah, that sounded better.

Enemies Merge (A Sonic / Mega Man Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now