XXVI. Sonic the Hedgehog

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I ended up pacing the room. I didn't think it would be way too long before the police left. I mean, come on, Dr. Light was like a super citizen. He wouldn't stop helping people. He just... couldn't. It was kind of like me in a way. We both saved lives. I mean, he didn't run fast or really even go outside much, but he still saved lives just by sitting inside.

 I came to a conclusion.

I needed to sleep more to avoid these two week sleeping adventures.

It didn't take long for Tempo and Mega Man to come and get me. "They're gone." Tempo said, stone-faced as usual. 

"It took forever to convince them that you weren't here!" Rock added. "They kept asking questions and wouldn't leave!" He looked exhausted from trying to get them to leave.

"That kind of makes me want to run around the town and prove that I'm on your side." I sighed. 

"You can prove your innocence by helping us defeat Wily." Tempo said.

"That sounds more exciting than sitting in this room." I said, looking back at the sterile tiles that boarded every square inch of the walls and floors. "You know where he is this time, right?"

"Of course." Rock said, a bit more collected. "We have all the right coordinations and everything!"

"Then what are we waiting for?" I asked, rush - I mean, dashing past them into the room with the giant computer. "Come on, you guys! We don't have forever!"

Mega Man ran after me, and Tempo took her time. Dr. Light didn't look back as I ran into the room, but Roll did. She smiled and waved, then looked back at the giant computer. I swear, that thing was brighter than the sun. I couldn't imagine how Dr. Light survived staring at that screen all day.

"Are you all prepared?" Dr. Light said with a deep breath following his words. "There's no coming back until the deed is done."

"Yep!" Mega Man said.

"Of course." Tempo added.

"I guess so." I shrugged. What could possibly happen?

"Good luck, you guys." Roll said. "Stay safe."

"I'll protect your bro." I chuckled.

"Hey!" Mega Man said. "More like I'll protect you, you... uh..."

"Yeah." I folded my arms. "What am I?"

"Okay, I'm transporting you guys now." Dr. Light said, obviously oblivious to whatever we were saying to each other. Either that, or he really didn't care.

The same sick feeling that I had felt multiple times urged itself into me, and I got dizzy. The world spun, and the next thing I knew, I was on the ground about to puke. 

I got up a minute later, and we were in a cave. It was dark, and the only things to light the way were the eyes of Tempo and Mega Man. Mega Man was looking over a cliff that led over a pit that led down and down, further than anyone could ever find out. 

"Guys..." Mega Man said, his voice a bit shaky. "Is this-"

Then he rock broke and he fell.

My mind melded with my instincts or whatever, and I jumped and grabbed him, my hand barely grabbing the edge of the broken rock. "I gotcha." I said, looking at the rock, hoping for it not to break. "But you're really heavy."

"Gee, excuse me." Mega Man replied. "Let me quickly lose some weight here."

I tried to heave us up, but there was no way. He was way too heavy. And there were only seconds before the rock broke and we both tumbled to our deaths.

I remembered Tails. If it was Tails in my hand, I would save his life, even if it meant my life for his. And Mega Man had an amazing life. He was a great, loved hero. And what was I here? He had a father, and a sister, and a girlfriend/just a friend that was - wait. She was with us.

As if on cue, she grabbed my hand just as my hand began to lose its grip on the breaking rock. For a few seconds, she stood, trying to make sure she had her balance, and then she pulled us up, and we were safe again. 

"Woo!" I sighed, catching my breath. "That was close! If it hadn't been for Tempo, we would have been in trouble."

"But there is a problem." Tempo said, her hand against her heart as she took deep breaths.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I think down is the way to go."

I looked over the side, and I felt a sense of queasiness. What was down there? What if it was water? I mean, I couldn't swim. I would drown. I would sink and suffer and drown and die and it would just be a loss to everything and I don't like water. "Well..." I said slowly. "What do you suggest?"

Mega Man took off a backpack. How did I not notice that he had actually brought supplies? He took out a rope and put it on the ground. "I didn't bring much, but... I have rope. Not enough to reach the bottom, though. We'll have to compromise somehow."

I picked up the rope. It wasn't long at all. It was about twenty feet long. "Well, this isn't helpful." I said.

"Yes, it is!" Tempo said, somewhat excitedly.

Mega Man and I exchanged looks. He shrugged. I blinked. "Okay, you're way too excited about a rope."

"No, see, with my drill," she explained, "we can go down. We'll connect each of us with the rope, and you two will hang off and I'll slowly get us down by sticking my drill into the wall!" She seemed like an excited little girl, which alone scared me and Mega Man, but what she was asking us to do seemed like asking us to just jump off.

"Uh..." Mega Man started. "Are you sure this will work?" 

"Yes!" She nodded. "Of course!"

Mega Man and I only glanced at each other as Tempo smiled in her glory.

Enemies Merge (A Sonic / Mega Man Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now