der groβmann

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I let out a loud and piercing shriek, dropping the flashlight. Everything goes dark, the batteries have fallen out of the flashlight, Prim is trying so hard to keep calm, SO hard, but tears find themselves running down her face. I bend down, shaking violently, trying to find the batteries for the flashlight. I can't help but make horrible choking noises, I manage to put the batteries back in the flashlight, but he's gone! Slenderman has disappeared. I close my eyes, and breathe in deeply, and then slowly breathe out. 'Der Groβmann' is another name for him. So is 'the thin man' and just plain old 'him'. We slowly make our way to our camp, not bothering to say a word, I climb into my tent, and Prim drags hers so it looks like one big massive camping tent, connected to mine. she opens the bottle of water, and looks down

" can't we camp in one of the old abandoned Oakside park centers?" Prim murmurs, turning her head to look at me

"No. what if he is in there. besides, there could be dead bodies in there." I say, but I'm regretting saying that. what if there have been victims of him but no one knows? Prim glares at me, taking another drink of water

" I'm sorry, Prim.There isn't any bodies there...I think" I say

" whatever." she says, she suddenly looks at me, a mischevious gleam in her eyes, like she was the younger version of herself " Go"

"what?" I say, wondering what she means "What do you mean Prim?"

"Go on, go and see if there are any bodies!" she demands " You can kick the door down, you took Karate lessons"

" Yeah, until I bit the instructors arm. He was so mad that day!" I laugh, remembering everyone's faces, and my instructor's shocked and angry face. Good times.

" Yeah yeah yeah, go and check!" she says shrilly.

" Fine! Alright, I'm going! come with me though." I demand, If something happens to me, Prim has to know, and she has to go back. Back home.

" No. no way." She says, she looks down " I...I just can't, Jess."

" Prim, please. For me." I say, looking straight into her eyes. I know she'll give in. I know it

"Stupid Prim" I mutter, walking off to the nearby center , by myself!!

"do you see anything?" Prim calls from the tents

"no, not yet. Wait! I think I can see something in the window!I don't think it's awake... " I cry out. After 5 minutes of staring, I go running back to Prim, who's shocked to see me so scared

"what? Did you see corpses? "Prim asks fearfully

"no. Much worse" I gasp for breath

"what? Prim asks, biting her nails

"A person. "

"oh "

"and do you know the worst thing about this? "

"noooooooo "

"I think it saw me"

"urrrgh " Prim, trying to stay calm

"but there is an even worse thing"

"what? "

" it's coming outside. " I say, there is the silhouette, and it's climbing out of the window.

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