The Trap

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**Ahem...ATTENTION! The italics are what you are think!! Enjoy!!* This chapter will be just fluff! Next one will be smut XD

Stop staring at him you're going to creep him out...oh...but he's so cute...I can't help but stare...hopefully he won't notice-You jinx yourself and he looks over in your direction. You quickly look away and cover your face. 

Your best friend raises an eyebrow, "You know, you could just talk to know...get to know him? He's a pretty sweet guy, he's not going to reject your friendship at least."

You uncover your face and look at her desperately , "But what if I fuck up and say something completely stupid?! I'll choke on my own words up there!! Heeellp mee!"

"Sweetheart, he'll probably find it funny"

"You....are not helpful"

You glance over at him again and his group of boys. They have a band and call themselves the "Bulletproof Boyscouts" and honestly they're pretty good. 

Jungkook is over at the table with the rest of him crew:

Suga, who is silent but deadly. You don't even recognize him when he starts rapping.

Jimin, who is said to be the cutest of the group...I disagree

Jin, who actually loves Disney princesses

Namjoon, who calls himself 'Rap Monster' for some damn reason. His rapping is pretty good though.

Jhope, who is overly dramatic, and screams a shit ton. 

Taehyung, who calls himself V, and is probably from a different planet. There's a sketchy feeling to him, but I'm sure it's nothing...

His table was full of a group of interesting individuals who were all considered attractive, but you found Jungkook to be the best. He contributed to having some of the best vocals in the group...his voice was amazing....He was adorable...he was cute and innocent at times, but could be very vulgar. A bunch of the other girls at school were attracted to him as you don't even want try.  

Jungkook's POV(Told in first person)

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Jungkook's POV(Told in first person)

"Jungkook if you keep staring at her, she's gonna think you're a stalker," Jimin teased.

I punch him in the shoulder, "I'm not stalking her...I'm just observing her..."

I look at her. I've known her for about 3 year now, and I fell for her this've talked to her a few time..had a few conversations..

Namjoon puts his arm around me, "HA! Buuuulllshit! You're obviously digging this girl! So! Go. Ask. Her. Out."

I look down and blush, "No...she doesn't even know me...she'd probably be freaked out."

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