Chapter 5

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I woke up to the sound of talking. I opened my eyes and looked around and all the boys were sleeping. What the hell? I got up and followed the voices. I couldn't understand anything they were saying. It was like they were speaking a non existing language. I peeked around the corner and I saw an old woman with long bloody white hair and ripped rag like clothes. Her shoes were ripping apart and her nails were extremely long. I could see fear in her eyes as she looked at the shadow who she was talking to. The lights went off and I could still see the shadow. He was blacker than night its self. I could see his piercing red eyes getting darker red by the second. His eyes kept getting darker until they were the color of the darkest blood. Suddenly the lights came back on and his eyes went form dark blood red to a pinkish red. The old woman started quickly anti-aging right in front of my eyes. Now she was not that old lady dressed in ragged clothing but now she was a beautiful young girl with mid-back brunette hair and crystal clear dark green eyes. She was no longer wearing ragged clothes but the most beautiful floral dress with combat boots and a leather jacket. She looked absolutely beautiful. The shadow talked to her some more. He had a very deep demonic voice. They both disappeared into thin air and I instantly fell onto the floor. I wasn't sure how much time passed when I woke up but it seemed like only a few minutes had passed. I got up and went back over to my couch and lied down. Within a few minutes I felt body heat next to me and someone's arm wrapped around my waist. I opened my eyes terrified but I turned my head to look and saw that it was only Khalil. Thank god. I'm okay with this because I feel safe around him. I closed my eyes again.

The next day

I woke up to the sound of the boys talking. I opened my eyes and looked at them. They all looked worried.

"Why do you guys look worried?", I asked.

"Oh my god Izzy you're ok!", Roc exclaimed.

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?", I asked.

"Dude do you know how long you were sleeping?", Princeton asked.

" No. How long was I out?", I asked.

"You fell asleep at 10 and its 3:30.", Cj said.

"What the hell? Why was I asleep for so long? Ohhhhhhh.", I said.

"What?", Khalil asked.

"Nothing.", I said. "Anyways let's play with the ouija board so we can get it over with and leave this house.", I said.

"Ok but I don't want to take too long with that thing because it creeps me out.", Ray said.

"Ok let's go.", I said.

"Where?", Roc asked.

"The attic.", I said.

"Why?", he asked.

"Because it can't be this light out when we use the board.", I said. We walked up to the where the attic  was and I pulled down the stairs and we all walked up there. I lit some candles. Khalil put the planchette on the board and put two fingers on it. It started moving almost immediately and it spelled out hello.

"Is it supposed to move that fast?", Khalil asked.

"No.", I said.

"What's your name?", I asked it. It spelled out Ashlynn.

"Izzy why didn't you help me?", I heard a whisper in my ear.

"Huh?", I asked.

"Why didn't you help me?", she asked again.

"I don't know.", I said.

"I saw you watching me and you didn't even help me.", she said to me.

"I'm sorry.", I said.

"All you did was watch him when it went dark. You didn't even do anything.", she said.

"I'm so sorry. I was scared that's why I didnt help you I totally would have I just didn't know how to react to everything because this is all new to me and I'm still in shock to everything.", I said.

"Who are you talking to?", Roc asked in a worried tone.

"Ashlynn.", I said.

"I didn't hear anyone talking to you.", he said.

"Trust me she's here I've seen her.", I said.

"And when did that happen?", Cj asked.

"Last night. She is really pretty.", I said.

"Do you know how crazy you sound right now?", Cj asked.

"Yeah I know but it's true. Last night I saw this old lady and she was talking in this weird language to a shadow and then the power went out and i could still see the shadow because it was darker than the darkness. I was just looking at him then his eyes went to this REALLY dark red and then the lights came back on then the old lady turned young again. It was weird as hell. I'm not sure how but I think thats why I woke up so late.", I said.

"Dude that's creepy as shit.", Khalil said.

"Yeah I know. It was the weirdest thing that has ever happened to me.", I said.

"Aren't you scared that something will happen to you?", Ray asked.

"Nah not really I mean if they wanted to do something to me don't you think that they would have by now?", I aksed.

"True I guess I didn't think of that.", Ray said. I looked at the board and it started moving. No one seemed to notice because they were all talking. It said Izzy go in the bathroom alone and bring a candle.

"What no!", I said. The boys just looked at me. I continued looking at the board and it spelled out go now. "I am NOT going into the bathroom by myself  with a candle and that's final.", I said. And with that the board went to goodbye and shot across the room. "O-okay I'm going!", I said. I took a candle and ran down the attic steps to the bathroom. I heard a voice telling me to hold the candle up to my face and look in the mirror so I did what I was told. As I was looking in the mirror my reflection changed into Ashlynn.

"Why did you not listen to me the first time?", she asked. Her voice was deep and demonic.

"I don't know I guess I was scared.", I said.

"Well next time you get "scared" you better listen to what ever the hell I'm telling you to do. Got it?", she said.

"Yes.", I replied quickly. "Now what is it that you wanted me to do?", I asked.

"All I want you to do is hurt Chresanto.", she said.

"YOU WANT ME TO WHAT!?!?!?", I aksed.

"You heard me. You don't have to hurt him that bad I just want him hurt.", she said.

"But why?", I asked.

"Just do it. And if you don't then bad things will happen to you.", she said and with that she left. I walked out of the bathroom and into the living room where all the boys were.

"So what happened?", Roc asked.

"Ummm can I see you in the kitchen?", I asked.

"Uh sure.", he said. I could tell everyone was confused. We both walked into the kitchen. I looked at him and i grabbed a knife and i cut his arm.

"WHAT THE FUCK IZZY?!?!?!", he said.

"I'm sorry I had to.", I said.


"Well when I was in there Ashlynn told me that she wanted me to hurt you.", I said.

"Why?", he asked.

"She didn't say.", I said.

"Wait what is her name again?", he aksed.

"Ashlynn. Wh-", I said.

"ASHLYNN?!?!? Oh my god no. No this can't be happening. I thought that it was a lie. Oh my god.", he said.

"Roc what's wrong?", I asked

"Ashlynn was my ex girlfriend.", he said.

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