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Ugh its snowing outside and I've got my curtains open while writing and its SO aesthetic rn I'm so happy writing like this.


Feel free to listen and repay as you read!

Otherside -Red Hot Chilli Peppers

My hands shook as I gripped the innocent book in my hands, pretending as if I was reading the whole time when Harry returned. I could feel his eyes on me as he sat back down at his desk. I couldn't bare to look at him, partly knowing the half of his monstrosity.

I still hadn't a clue what Harry had to do with this Elouise character but I knew she was someone who was key in my findings. Someone who was very much capable of knowing all of the ins and outs of Harry. Now if I could only find her.

I was already thinking way too far into the future with this. For once, I needed to stop planning and focus on the moment in time. I analyzed the situation, knowing Harry had the upper hand in this situation. For God's sake, he always does. I was sitting with a tainted book in my hands, a stolen important document shoved in it, and my dream and nightmare of a man sitting fifteen feet away.

Shoving back the tears and toughening up my persona, I raked my immediate feelings back. If I was going to be smart about this, which I intended to be, I was going to have to act as if my case of normality wasn't shattered. Everything was fine and under the control of Harry, how he loves it.

The rest of Harry's work time went by quicker than I expected and I peeked from the corner of my eye to see if he would uncover the missing paper. When he hummed in satisfaction and stood from his seat, it was evident he hadn't even payed a thought to it. It was rather hidden, and he wouldn't bring it out in my presence. Even if he was playing the obvious card.

"Alright. I think I'm all finished here." He clapped his hands together, scanning the scattered papers on his desk.

"O-okay." I plastered a smile on my face, conveying the realm of normality.

It's all or nothing.

I stood from my spot on the couch, glancing at the backyard one last time before clutching the book tightly in my grip. Harry walked out from behind his desk, waiting for me to catch up with him.

"Daddy, can I take this book home?" I pleaded, handling the book with false ease.

His eyebrows raised in shock and he stood with his arms crossed over his chest. I shot him a hopeful smile and hugged the book in my arms.

"Promise to bring it back?"

I nodded intently. "Swear."

"Very well. I suppose James still has yet return my books." He looked down at me and chuckled a bit. "I'm becoming a library for your family, huh?"

I smiled a forced a chuckle, now realizing he insinuated James as my family. My family.

All my life I considered myself to have one direct family member, my mother. It was always just the two of us up until James came along a short while ago. Sure, I enjoyed his presence and the way he was with my mother but I never thought of him as a true step father. They weren't even engaged.

"Oh. I-um, sorry Adeline." Harry's hand made its way on my back as a source of comfort.

This was the first time I heard Harry stutter. The first time his apology spurting from his lips was that of true sorrow and regret of what he had past said. I looked up from the green book cover to be met with concerned eyes.

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