Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I don't own Warriors

The skinny apprentice's black fur allowed him to hide in the half-light of the dawn shadows. He crept warily through the forest behind a small tortoiseshell tom and a large dark brown tabby.

"Have you scented them yet, Redtail?" mewed the dark brown tabby tom in a low voice.

"No, Tigerclaw, there's no sign of them here. But we will find them." The tortoiseshell tom turned to the young, skinny black cat. "Ravenpaw, which way now?"

But the apprentice was too nervous to hear the question. "Redtail, what will we do if we find RiverClan cats at Sunningrocks?" Ravenpaw mewed anxiously. "Will we fight them?"

"Of course we'll fight them! This is our territory!" Tigerclaw snarled before Redtail could answer. "What are we, mice?! We're under orders to stop them." A long moment passed while the three cats walked in silence.

"We have allowed this to go on for too long," Redtail sighed.

Tigerclaw glanced at Redtail and nodded in agreement. A dark look clouded his amber eyes. "It ends today," he meowed simply.

Ravenpaw was not at all looking forward to a possible battle. He hoped that they would get to Sunningrocks and find it empty. Then they could go back to the ThunderClan camp and Bluestar could send another patrol later. Ravenpaw's hopes were crushed when Tigerclaw suddenly froze, sniffing the air. "RiverClan," he growled. Redtail and Tigerclaw quickened their pace to the edge of the forest.

Ravenpaw lingered at the forest's edge when Tigerclaw and Redtail stepped out. The unfamiliar cat scent was overwhelming. Tigerclaw looked back and snarled, "Ravenpaw, get out here!"

Ravenpaw left the safety of the trees and ducked behind his mentor. The three padded forward and faced a larger group of cats that were emerging from the shadows of Sunningrocks. The cats stood next to where the stream met the river. ThunderClan and RiverClan scents here were mixed together and unclear.

"You," Tigerclaw growled from Redtail's side, his tail bristling in anger. He was staring at the bracken colored tom leading the RiverClan patrol.

"Oakheart, why am I not surprised to see you?" Redtail meowed. Ravenpaw had heard the name before. Oakheart was the deputy of RiverClan.

The bracken colored tom padded forward. "Oh, hello there. We were just getting in a bit of hunting this morning before your Clan scared all the prey away . . ."

"Keep your hunting parties in your own territory," Redtail warned. "You have been trespassing for far too many moons."

"How can we be trespassing if we are in our own territory? Sunningrocks belongs to RiverClan." Oakheart audaciously tipped his head to the side.

"Leave now." Redtail's voice was calm, but his red and black tail was lashing.

"Or what?"

Redtail drew himself up to his full height and looked Oakheart straight in the face. "We are not here to play games! Sunningrocks is in ThunderClan territory, and the next RiverClan warrior caught not respecting our borders will be killed!"

Oakheart's eyes lost their amused gleam. "Your threats make no difference to me. My Clan must be fed and if we must fight for it then so be it." He raised his head and let out a battle cry. "RiverClan, attack!"

The clearing erupted in fighting. Ravenpaw was unprepared for the ferocity of the hostile cats. The RiverClan warriors seemed to have no qualms about attacking a half-trained apprentice, and Ravenpaw found himself dodging attacks from all sides. Tigerclaw slashed at the surrounding enemies with his large claws while Redtail weaved between the RiverClan warriors, clawing and nipping at them before they could respond. A cat suddenly leaped onto Ravenpaw's back, knocking him to the ground. The cat rolled him over, trying to dig his claws into his body, and Ravenpaw writhed wildly to escape, forgetting all of the battle moves he had learned in the last few moons. When he broke free, he stood back from the fight to regain his bearings, panting.

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