Chapter 15

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Ravenpaw woke up early the next morning. When he emerged from the apprentices' den, the wind had picked up and was blowing through the leaves above his head. It seemed strangely loud.

He pricked his ears. That wasn't the sound leaves rustling- it was mewing. Pelt sparking with worry, he followed the curve of the camp boundary. Darkstripe eyed him suspiciously as he walked past.

He had to be imagining it- cats were stopping their conversations as he approached. They couldn't be gossiping about him, could they? But as they grew silent when they noticed him, he grew more certain that they were. Mousefur, Willowpelt, Runningwind- all three looked up in surprise when he mewed hello. Longtail and Speckletail turned away from him as he walked by.

There were more voices coming from behind the Highrock, just outside the camp. Determined to find out if his Clanmates were discussing him, Ravenpaw squeezed himself into a hollow part of the bramble wall and crouched in the shadow of the Highrock.

"Did StarClan reveal anything to you?" Spottedleaf was mewing.

"No." Bluestar's voice was layered in weariness. "They only foresaw the battle. StarClan hasn't said anything about the prophecy since the night before Redtail died." There was a pause. "Have they given you any signs?"

"Nothing beyond the usual," meowed Spottedleaf. They were definitely not talking about him. Ravenpaw bristled, mortified that he was eavesdropping, albeit accidentally, on his Clan leader and medicine cat. But he couldn't leave now; they would notice him. He trembled as Spottedleaf continued. "As much as it pains me to say this, perhaps we should move on from the fire prophecy."

"Brokenstar's aggression is worrying me," Bluestar replied. Ravenpaw's eyes widened. He was certainly not supposed to be hearing this. "What if the cat the prophecy spoke of is our only chance at survival?"

In his panic he nearly missed Spottedleaf's reply. "We must be patient. I think StarClan themselves may have been surprised at how everything turned out. In time they will guide us, whether through the fire prophecy or a new one."

Bluestar blinked warmly at the tortoiseshell she-cat. "Spottedleaf, you are a wise medicine cat. I am thankful for your advice."

In that moment both cats were looking at each other. Taking his chance, Ravenpaw slipped out from the bramble bush, shaking. There was a prophecy? About fire? He shook his head, wanting to erase the conversation from his memory. He was just an apprentice; prophecies were for medicine cats and leaders!

Spotting Tigerclaw and Graypaw, Ravenpaw made his way over to them and sat down at the edge of the group. Tigerclaw narrowed his eyes. "Graypaw, you can join my training session. Do you think you're up to it, Ravenpaw? After all, you got some pretty nasty nettle stings while the rest of us were fighting those rats."

"I'm fine," Ravenpaw mewed, avoiding his mentor's gaze.

He followed Tigerclaw and Graypaw out of the camp, his tail hanging low. When they reached the sandy hollow, Tigerclaw turned to face them. The clearing seemed empty without Lionheart there.

"Today you will be practicing some... unconvential hunting techniques." Tigerclaw waved his tail at them, indicating for them to follow. Soon they reached the stream and Tigerclaw continued his instructions. "Graypaw, you will hunt here."

Graypaw's eyes narrowed in confusion. "Hunt by the stream? What's so unusual about that?" His tone wasn't defiant, just curious, but Tigerclaw still seemed irritated by the question.

"You won't be hunting by the stream, you will be hunting in it," Tigerclaw replied.

Graypaw's jaws dropped. "Fishing?"

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