Chapter 20

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The ThunderClan cats made their way back to camp, with Bluestar and Tigerclaw padding together at the front of the massive patrol. Dustpaw and Graypaw were close behind, their stride confident and their tails held high.

Ravenpaw stayed near the back, his tail drooping. How could he have been so wrong? He had been entirely convinced that Dustpaw and Graypaw had been captured, and that Yellowfang had betrayed the Clan. At least it ended well enough; Frostfur had been reunited with her kits. She was still purring as she carried one in her mouth. The queen walked next to Longtail, Willowpelt, and Mousefur, who were helping her bring back the other three.

Ravenpaw was exhausted. His paws throbbed, his lungs ached, and his body stung from the pricks from thorns and nettles he had gained in ShadowClan territory.

When they reached the camp, the curious eyes of the cats that had remained behind turned to the returning patrol. Questioning mews peppered the arriving cats.

"Did you find them?"

"Wait, is that Yellowfang?"

"Why is the rogue with you?"

"Yellowfang did not betray us," Bluestar explained, bounding onto the Highrock to address the whole Clan. "She worked with ThunderClan to rescue the kits and remove Brokenstar from ShadowClan."

One-Eye squinted at Bluestar. "Did I hear that right? Brokenstar is no longer leader of ShadowClan?"

"Yep," Graypaw piped up, settling himself next to Ravenpaw.

Bluestar nodded. "It is true. Brokenstar and his supporters have been exiled."

"It was Yellowfang's plan that allowed us to get rid of him," Dustpaw meowed from where he sat next to the old she-cat. Confused caterwauls rose up from the elders and queens. Yellowfang tensed; there were still some cats that looked like they wanted to leap at her.

Bluestar let out a silencing yowl. "I will tell you all what happened, but you need to quiet down if you want to hear." When the clearing grew silent, Bluestar launched into an explanation of what happened to the cats that had remained behind. Ravenpaw wanted to sink into the forest floor to avoid their gazes.

"So Graypaw and Dustpaw weren't captured at all?" Speckletail called out when Bluestar had finished. Ravenpaw ducked his head.

"Oh, don't worry," Graypaw mewed in his ear. "They can't blame you for that." Ravenpaw lowered his head further. I hope so.

Whitestorm stood up to address Speckletail's question. "It was all a misunderstanding. And it worked out after all; Brokenstar is gone, and that is due in no small part to the actions of Dustpaw and Graypaw. They convinced us of the truth behind Yellowfang's words, and led the way to ShadowClan's camp without hesitation."

Turning to Whitestorm from her place upon the Highrock, Bluestar gained a thoughtful look. "Whitestorm, you saw Dustpaw and Graypaw take part in the battle tonight. Did they fight well?"

"Like warriors," Whitestorm responded, meeting her gaze solemnly. Ravenpaw felt his stomach flip over as he realized what was about to come next.

Whitestorm turned and beckoned the two apprentices forward, and a cold space appeared next to Ravenpaw as Graypaw left his side.

Bluestar looked up at the growing light of Silverpelt in the now cloudless, clear night sky. When the apprentices had made their way over to stand at the foot of the Highrock, she began to speak: "I, Bluestar, leader of ThunderClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these two apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn." Looking down at Dustpaw and Graypaw, she paused. "Dustpaw, Graypaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend this Clan, even at the cost of your lives?"

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