Chapter 2

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Disclaimer: I don't own Warriors, Erin Hunter does.

"So, Spottedleaf. How is he? Do you think you can save him? I've spent a lot of time training him up, and I don't want my efforts to be wasted at the first battle." Ravenpaw's ears twitched. The low, deep voice was familiar. He thought should be afraid of this cat but he couldn't remember why.

"Yes, a pity if, after all your valuable training, he dies in his first fight, eh?" That was Spottedleaf, ThunderClan's medicine cat, Ravenpaw realized.

"Will he live?" Tigerclaw, Ravenpaw remembered. He was struggling to understand what was going on. Why was this cat sending shivers of fear up his spine?

"Of course. He just needs to rest," Spottedleaf mewed. Ravenpaw shuddered when it abruptly came back to him. There had been a fight with RiverClan, and Tigerclaw had ambushed Redtail in the aftermath! Could this be a dream? No, he reasoned. The burning pain in his shoulder was very real.

Tigerclaw had snorted in response to Spottedleaf's reply and Ravenpaw felt a paw jab his ribs. "Come on, then! Get up!" He was suddenly being shaken roughly.

"Not so fast, Tigerclaw!" The shaking stopped. "This apprentice needs to keep as still as possible until the cut has healed. We don't want him opening his wound by jumping about trying to please you. Leave him alone." There was a short silence before Spottedleaf meowed again. "Even you know better than to argue with a medicine cat, Tigerclaw."

"I wouldn't dare argue with you, dear Spottedleaf," Tigerclaw purred.

Ravenpaw heard Spottedleaf return to her herbs. She was probably making some type of poultice, but he couldn't tell with his eyes closed.

After he thought he had waited a sufficient amount of time he whispered, "Is he gone?"

Spottedleaf purred. "Yes, he's gone. Don't worry; I won't let any cat start your training again before you're ready." Ravenpaw let out a sigh of relief.

A long time passed, and before Ravenpaw realized it, the noise of his Clanmates' mewing around him began to grow fainter. He was slipping out of consciousness when he felt something warm press against his shoulder.

His eyes slid open. Spottedleaf was applying a poultice to his injury. "I'm going to have you stay in the medicine den until you're ready to resume your training. Come on now, I'll help you." Ravenpaw groaned, wanting nothing more than to continue to lie in place and sleep.

She stood in front of him, her body blocking the view of the rest of his Clanmates. Ravenpaw slowly rose to his paws and leaned against Spottedleaf as they made their way to the medicine den, only vaguely aware of the presence of other cats.

He collapsed to his side just inside the entrance of the medicine den, and shut his eyes tight, trying to ignore the ache in his shoulder. Soon the sound of Spottedleaf organizing her herbs faded into the background. He tried to fall asleep, but the short walk across the camp had somehow awakened him from his stupor, and his mind was racing.

It couldn't be true. It had to be a bad dream, it had to be. Ravenpaw dared to open his eyes a peek. He lifted his head and turned it to see a crowd of cats gathered in the middle of the clearing. As one of the cats padded away, Ravenpaw caught a glimpse of the warrior lying dead on the ground at the center of the crowd. Redtail.

Spottedleaf noticed that he was awake. "Are you alright?"

His voice seemed to catch in his throat. He continued to stare at the dead body of ThunderClan's deputy.

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