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The prisoner woke up, in a bed, set up near the Queen's. Near her was a plate of food consisting of fish, rice, mangoes, pineapple, and pork. Next to that was a freshly picked coconut that had been chopped in half so that she may drink of it's contents.

She tried desperately to reach for the nourishment she so badly needed, but could not because of the ropes her hands were bound with. Queen Dinah rushed in because of the commotion, she relaxed when she saw what it was.

"If you were ready to eat you should have just called for me," Dinah said sitting next to the prisoner. She took the coconut and brought it to her lips but the prisoner turned away, "I will not be treated as if I'm an invalid. I'm not helpless."

Dinah laughed, "I do not think of you in such a way, it is simply a caution for me to keep your hands bound. You are, after all, the one who came to my island with intent to hurt and kill. Assuming there is no other use for weapons."

The prisoner glared as she let the Queen give her a drink from the coconut. Dinah smiled as she drank every last drop the versatile fruit had to offer, "Would you like some food now?"

Not answering, Dinah brought a piece of mango to the prisoners mouth, who took it willingly. It's sweet juices made her moan as the fruit slid down her throat. And for some unknown reason, the sound made Dinah feel euphoric, she wanted to hear it again.

She fed the prisoner another piece, but was not met with the moan that was like music to her ears. She imagined the prisoner caught herself the first time and would dare not show such vulnerability again. With a discreet pout, The Queen of Tonga took some pork and rolled it into some rice and fed it to the prisoner.

"Before you can have more will you answer some questions?" She asked.

The prisoner nodded.

"Who are you and why are you here?"

"My name is Normani, I am the daughter of the Lord of Horse and Hunt in New Caledonia. He is the king's cousin and next in line for the rule of my island should our king and his heirs die," she explained.

"And what of you're presence here in my island?"

Normani sighed, "We were sent here on behalf of King Gordon..."

Dinah's eyes nearly popped out of her sockets from the surprise of her father's name.

"How do you know my father?"

"My island has never had issues with Tonga. My king, my father, your father have shared many days together as friends. They've shared in the cultures of both our islands. Before you took the throne my king received a message from King Gordon, saying someone close to him had betrayed him. The name was illegible, smeared by the sea. Although we do not know how King Gordon died my father and the king believe someone here is responsible," Normani explained slowly through the pains of her malnourishment, "Your men say they found maps of plans to pillage and rob, while it was true we had maps and plans to storm the villages of your people it was only for their well being. We were sent to inform and warn your people that there is a traitor with a high title here in Tonga. The weapons were for when we found the traitor of one of New Caledonia's greatest allies."

Dinah stood up in offense, "Your king is wrong! My father and the rest of my family died in a horrible accident and if I ever hear you speak their names again I will show you your place here in Tonga is with the pigs!"

Normani did not show fear but missed her head in understanding. Dinah sighed a sigh of relief, "Good," she said still thinking of her family, "I must go," she said her voice getting shaky.

"What about the food?" Normani argued. Dinah turned around wiping away a year or two that managed to fall, "Ah yes the food. Well you are capable of feeding yourself," she said as she pulled a spear head from beneath her bed and cut the ropes that bound her, "I'm sorry for my outburst."

Normani eyed the beautiful Queen suspiciously as she started eating her food. With a smile and wave the Queen left her side.

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