Apart of Which Crew!?

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"Wow. Do you guys really need that much food!?" You exclaim, helping to drag a giant wheelbaral of various foods.

"Of course we do yn!"
"We have to be able to feed 21 people until the next island when we can restock." Penguin and Shachi explained.

"But still. The boxes of food stack so high and can't even see where I'm going." You yelled, concern laced in your voice.

" Thats because your so little yn" Bepo said gently.

"You can't even see either Bepo!" Penguin and Shachi chastised Bepo for 'insulting' a pretty girl.

"S-sorry!" Bepo cried when he realized his mistake.

" It's not a problem Bepo, I didnt mind, considering I am a little shorter then you." You tried to cheer the big bear up while also trying to push the heavy cart.

"Hey! It's him isn't it!"
"Yeah, let's get him! He's got a big bounty!" Marines could be heard from the bar right across from where we stood.

Great, marines! I gotta get outta here!

"Oh no you don't!" Yelled a man's voice as three marines came crashing out of the bar doors. One almost knocked you over, but Bepo swiftly picked you up and brought you away from the tumbling men.

"I'm sorry! Are you okay Yn, you're not hurt are you?" Bepo said worried about you, gently placing you back on the ground.

"No need to apologize Bepo. I'm just fine thanks to you." You praised the fluffy bear.

"I'm sorry!" Bepo apologized again.

"Man, he just has to act like a knight in shining armor, huh?"
"I wish I got to her first." Penguin and shachi cried dejectedly.

A man stumbled out of the bar with a panicked look.

"Oh crap! Where was the ship again? Was it left?" The man said while turning right.

You sweat dropped at his lack in sense of directions. He wore a green robe like cloak tied with a red band at the waist, loosening at his chest where it showed a large scar across his toned abs and pects. His hair a mossy green and there was a scar on his right eye. He held three swords at his side. You ran over to him and pointed in the opposite direction.

"If you want to get to the docks, its over there" you corrected him.

"Oh. Thanks lady but I need to find my crew's ship, not a 'docks'" he said and continued running in the other direction.

Is he an idiot!? We all thought watching him with a sweat drop on our heads. To avoid any trouble with the marines, we all continued to the sub of the heart pirates.
When we got their there were 4 ships docked unevenly spaced. There was a yellow submarine above water, you assumed it was the heart pirates ship you all were heading to. But there was anither ship parked fairly close to it with a giant lions head at the mane. They had a jolly roger of a skeleton head with a straw hat. Farther away you noticed another ship whose jolly roger had crazy hair, goggles and a knife through the middle of the skulls side. The farthest ship was a marine battleship, but it looked empty. Probably because all the marines were on the island trying to find the pirates. All of a sudden, a outburst of blood skyrocketed into the air and a blonde man came sprinting at you, having a bloody nose. He had swirly eyebrows and big hearts in his eyes, his legs looking like tornatoes as he ran.

"What a beautiful lady!!" He yelled before knocking out cold on the ground when an orange haired lady smacked her hand onto his head.

" Knock it off would you!" She shouted in fiery.

She had long orange wavy hair, a bikini top and blue jeans.

"Sanji! I'm hungry! Meat! Meat! Meat!" Shouts were heard on the lions ship.

"Luffy, I just got back from the store, Let me relax a little before cooking up something. Besides, I was just about to introduce myself to this pretty young lady over here" he explains taking my hand in his and kissing it. He receive a few glares from penguin and shachi and a sigh from the other girl but he just ignored them. " The name is Sanji. It's a pleasure to meet on such a fine day is it not?" He asked in a sweet, calming voice.

" But Sanji we're hungry!!" Yelled three voices in unison from the ship.

"Damn it fine! Have it your way. I'll make your damn food." Sanji gave up in the argument.

"Hooray! Meat! Meat!" They shouted victoriously.

" Madame. Would you care to join us for lunch. I'll promise to make your favorite, extra special." He cooed as he turned back to face you.

" Hey we want food too!"
" Yeah make our favorites!"
"I'm sorry!"
The forgotten heart pirates ranted, feeling jealousy at the blonde man holding your hand.

"Yeah right. Make your own food!" Sanji spat at their rude behavior.
"Except for Bepo."

"I'm sorry!" Bepo said again.

~time skip brought to you by sanjis cooking~

"So you strawhats are in an alliance with the heart pirates!? I had no idea."you said in thought.

"Yeah. We kinda had no choice considering the situation we were in." Explains Shachi so it became more clear to you.

"So Yn, right! Are you a pirate? What do you do? Do you have meat? Are you part of a crew? Hey I know. Join Our crew!!" A guy with a straw hat shouted.

"Eehh! You want me to join your crew even though we just met!? You gotta be kidding right?!" You screamed, seeming as he already trusts you enough to join his crew, not that he shouldn't trust you. But still.

"Yup. I'm totally serious!" He said with a huge grin.

" Luffy! You can't just ask random people to join our crew!" The girl with orange hair sided with me.

"But, Nami, she isn't a stranger if she's eating lunch with us. And she even gave me her meat." Luffy argued with a childish pout.

"I agree with Nami. Earlier today she tried to make me go to a docks when I clearly wanted to go to the ship." The marimo explained.

"Idiot, Zoro. The docks is where the ship is located marimo!" Sanji shouted.

Their foreheads clashed as they started arguing.

"What did you just call me love cook!" Zoro bickered at sanji until Nami broke the fight with a fist to their heads.

" This isn't the time to argue idiots!"

"No way! Yn is joining our crew!"
"Yeah we found her first so she's coming with us!"
"Yeah...I'm sorry!"
The heart pirates shouted, not wanting you to join the strawhats.


"I heard it too! She's on that ship!"

"Yn is going to prison by us!"

Marines started coming after hearing all the commotion.

Aw great. Not them.

"Yn, surrender now or suffer the consequences."

!!??? Mom. What the hell is going on here. I'm suddenly wanted by all these pirates. And the marines.What am I gonna do now?

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