Raven Chapter One

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They hadn't heard from Sans in over a year. One day Sans didn't get up in the morning, and when they went to check on him, they found a note. The note said that he had to go work some things out. They guessed that he had a lot of things to work out, because they hadn't heard from him for a long time.

Papyrus was worried. No, he was beyond worried. He hadn't seen nor heard from his brother in over a year, and it was starting to take its toll on him. Papyrus wished that his brother would just come back. Would just tell him what was wrong so that they could work through it together.

But he hadn't. He hadn't really been himself since they came to the surface, and more than once Papyrus had found him waking up screaming. One day the screaming got worse, but Sans refused to open the door. The next day Sans had only come down for food, but had mostly stayed in his room.

Then the next day his brother had disappeared leaving only a note and a room full of possessions, save for a couple jackets. He hadn't contacted him for so long that Papyrus had given up hope that he would ever see his brother again. But then he came back.

It was a hot may day when he showed up at the door. Papyrus had just finished his job and was putting away groceries when a knock came at the door.

"One moment!" He shouted, putting away the remainder of the groceries.

Walking up to the door, he took off his gloves as he grabbed the handle and opened it.

"Oh hello, ho...." He stopped in his tracks when he saw who was standing in the door.

Framed by the door, was his brother in his signature hoodie, smiling back at him though it didn't reach his eyes.

"Uh.. Sup Br...Woah!" Sans was interrupted when his brother buried him in a bear hug.

"Oh Sans! I missed you so much!"

Finally he let his brother go, grabbing him by the shoulders his smile became more serious.

"Sans were have you been all this.. Time? I.. I've been so worried about you Sans! You never once sent word? Never once told us what was wrong! Sans, are.. are you okay?" Papyrus asked, worry etched into his features.

"I.. Papyrus I don't.... That's not why I'm here Paps. I'm here to see you for a bit. That's all." Sans said, reluctantly


"Papyrus. Just don't ask okay. I don't want to talk about it. Just know that I'm here now okay. Oh Paps, don't start with the waterworks!"

Papyrus had wrapped his brother into another hug, but had started to cry this time. He had been so worried about his brother for so long, and now here he stood, acting like nothing was any different. Papyrus didn't know what to do.

"Sans?!? Is that you?" A voice said from behind.

Suddenly Sans was scooped into another hug, but this time it was paws instead of hands.

"Ow ow ow ow ow!" Sans said, visibly cringing as Toriel set him back down on the ground.

"Oh my! Did I hurt you Sans? I'm so sorry! Wait, how are you here? Where have you been? Oh Sans are you alright?" Toriel asked, questions flowing as fast as a waterfall.

"I'm okay Tori. Backs just a little sore that's all." Sans said.

"Speaking of that, why are you wearing a coat Sans! Its nearly 90 degrees out here!" Papyrus said, reaching to take Sans coat.

"No no, uh, Paps it's alright. I'm fine." Sans said frantically moving out of the way.

"But Sans.." Papyrus said.

Raven: An Undertale storyWhere stories live. Discover now