Raven Chapter Six

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(Slight warnings: There's a bit of violence in this, as Sans is shocked a bit. Also slight hints at torture, but nothing too severe.)

 Sans woke up in a place he didn't remember, surrounded by machines he didn't recognise. After some of the strange grogginess had faded from his mind, Sans realized that he was strapped to a table, and his wings were stretched out to their full length and were pinned to several strange belts and wires.

"Ah. So you're awake?" A strange voice said from behind Sans.

"Who the fudge are you?" Sans shouted angrily at the strange man.

"My name is Doctor Welsh, and I am here to study you."

"Well I ain't your personal lab rat, so let me go!" Sans said, reaching out for his magic, and grabbing hold of some of the syringes in the corner of the room, and attempting to shoot them at the doctor.

"Bad boy!" The doctor shouted before pressing one of the buttons on the table, which sent a hearty zap of electricity through Sans.

"AAK!" Sans said, screaming.

It had hurt. It had hurt so much that Sans didn't know what to do. Reaching out for his magic to do something.. Anything! Sending random attacks in random directions, he knocked over several different machines in the lab.

"When in pain, the subject will lash out with his magic." The doctor muttered, marking notes in a notebook.

Finally the doctor stopped the electrical shocks, leaving Sans health at 30/100 hp. Leaving the room, the doctor turned off the lights, leaving Sans all alone in the room.

Sans was left to hang there for a few hours before he heard someone else enter the room. Sans didn't bother to look up.

"Here." A small voice said.

Sans looked up to see a smaller woman holding a tray of food under his face. She was small, probably only 4 and a half feet. But she was the first person Sans had seen all day that wore a genuine smile.

"What?" Sans asked, glaring at the girl.

"You need to eat don't you?" She asked, curious.

"Um, incase you haven't noticed I'm a bit tied up at the moment."

"Umm... Huh... I never thought of that... I'm not supposed to let you out... Um.. Can't you just... make it float?" She asked.

"Yeah, sure, I'd love too. Then maybe I'll just magically teleport away, and then maybe I'll just go revive people from the dead in the process!" Sans said sarcastically.

"But... the men at the mall said they saw you..." She said, trailing off.

"Ya, well they lied. Now if you excuse me, I'm busy being tortured." Sans said, looking away from the woman.

"Okay... If you say so." She said, before walking out from view.

Sans thought she had left until he felt someone prodding at his wings. Instinctively, he curled up his back, hoping to move his wings away from the unwanted touch.

"Oh! I'm sorry. There just really fascinating. There really beautiful."

"Yeah, whatever. Now get off. I don't need your sympathy!"

"Ok....Okay. I'll just leave now." She said as she left the room, leaving the plate off food by Sans on the table.

Once he was sure she was gone, Sans tried to figure out how his new power worked. Concentrating on the food, he willed it to be lifted into the air. As is by stretching some old muscle, the food shot through the air and stuck to the ceiling. Wincing, Sans deciding to give up on eating, and turned his attention to one of the security cameras.

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