Raven Chapter Seven

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 "What? How did you find him?" Undyne shouted, startled by Papyrus's sudden outburst.

"No time to explain. We need to go get him! Come on Undyne!" Papyrus said, shifting his weight from his left foot to his right.

"Wait, wait wait! Where is he at?" Undyne asked him, catching him before he could run out the door.

"He's in some strange building. It's almost shaped like one of those five sided shapes."

"YOUR BROTHERS AT THE PENTAGON?!?" Undyne yelled in disbelief.

"Umm... I guess? Is that what the buildings called?"

"Well I don't know of any other five sided militaristic buildings! Come on! We have to get to the police!" Undyne said, as she ran out the door, Papyrus following closely behind.


"You've done nicely. Now follow the men again." The doctor's voice said, reverberating through the room.

Sans was bruised and battered, and his wings were drooping towards the floor. The doctor had started to shoot at him to see what he would do. Of course Sans had blocked as many of the projectiles as possible, but some of them had still hit him, and he had the scars to show for it.

More armed men came into the room, and began to lead him out the door. When he didn't move as fast as they wanted him to, they poked him in the back, causing him to wince, but he started forward anyways. The men walked him out of the room back to the prison like hallway. They stopped in front of one of the cells and opened the door. Prodding him again they made him enter the cell before locking it behind them. One of the men turned towards a keypad, and pressed something on it.

Around the bars of the cage a blue wall of electricity popped up. Sans glared at the backs of the men as they left, before turning around to investigate his surroundings. The cell wasn't anything special. The only piece of furniture in the cell was a simple bed. Walking over to the bed, he sat down to think.

"So I'm apparently in a well protected facility surrounded by armed men on either side, and no one's coming for me." He grumbled.

Looking over at the electric field surrounding the bars of the cage, Sans had an idea. Walking up to the edge of field, Sans formulated some bones in the air above him. Quickly he sent the bones through the forefield, expecting them to turn to dust the second it hit, but instead the bones continued on through, though Sans canceled the attack before it could hit the wall in front of his cell.

Curious about what would happen, Sans approached the forcefield, and stuck his hand out before ripping it back. Nothing. Not even a shock. Touching it again, Sans realized he could pass through without a problem.

"Heh. Guess it was only made for humans..." Sans said, which caused another idea to pop into his head.

Backing back into the cell, San's stretched out his wing, and plucked a feather out of it, biting down on his grunt. Taking the feather in his palm, Sans stretched his hand through the field, but the feather on his palm disintegrated before it could reach the other side.

"Well that's a bit of a problem." Sans muttered as he tried to figure a way out of there.


Ari knew that it would be a long day when the chief had instructed her to watch over, at least that's what she thought until the monsters came into the lobby. There were about five of them, though Frisk was there too. One of the monster, Captain Undye, walked up to the desk.

"We need to see Chief Stewart. Now." Undyne demanded.

"One s-second." Ari stuttered, slightly unnerved by the monster.

Picking up a phone on her desk, she hit a button and called the Chief's office.

"Uh... Sir, Captain Undyne and King Asgore are here to see you. It's urgent." Ari said into the phone.

"They'll be right up." Ari answered before setting down the phone.

"He's up in his office. He said you could go right up." She answered, noticing the skeleton sigh in relief.

"Thanks." Undyne said before the monsters left the lobby.

This was going to be an interesting day.


"You're certain that it was at the Pentagon?" The Captain asked.

"Not at the Pentagon specifically, but around it somewhere. There are plenty of different building surrounding it that he could be at." Undyne said from across the Captain.

"I'll get a team out there to search the nearby facilities. Thank you for your help." The chief said standing up.

"Wait! Captain! Me and my guardsmen would like to personally aid in the search." Undyne said, catching the captain before he could walk away.

"Um... Miss Undyne? Might I ask why? I assure you that my men are more than capable of the assignment." Captain Stewart said, sitting back down.

"Sans is one of my best friends, and one of the most powerful monsters I've ever met. If these men can keep him here for as long as they have, I think that you could use the backup, just in case." Undyne said.

"Well.... I guess that would be fine. Asgore?" The captain said, addressing the King.

"It's fine with me. I do not mind my guard doing this." Asgore said, smiling.

"Well then it's settled I guess. Meet me here at one tomorrow and we can discuss what we can do." The chief said.

"Thank you." The skeleton from the mall a few nights ago.

"No problem son." The chief said, smiling as the monsters left his office.

He hoped that they could find the skeleton in time.


It had been a couple days. Every few hours, someone would come by with food, and every ten to twenty minutes a guard would pass by his cell. Sans began to count how long it took for the patrol to pass. Sans figured it was about 15 minutes. That gave him fifteen minutes for his plan. Sans hoped it would work, because if it didn't.... he was dead meat.

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