<<Meeting Mark>>

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Hey guys! how are you today? I am fantastic and ready to go...anyway on with the chapter



As I got into the school. I smelt cheap perfume and deodrant.as I walked through the halls some people mumbled my name. Some people whispered "wait...Isn't this (YT/n)?" I just smiled and didn't pay much attention as I'm gonna meet all of them later.

I finally reached a door called "manager's office" I knocked on the door and waited for a "come in" from the other side and held the door knob and walked in.

When I got in I noticed 2 men standing,looking at me as I entered.

There was the manager who looked in his late 40s. He had white hair,a big nose, large green eyes and he wore a navy-blue suit.

The other one which I assumed was Mark. As he looked like he was in his mid 20s. He had fiery,red hair which looked very floffy but dark brown at the sides,he wore a black shirt with a red flannel on top and some dark grey jeans.he had a medium-sized nose.he looked korean as he had small eyes.(a/n no offense to any asian people. I actually love asians) his eyes were a beatiful chocolate-brown that you can easily get lost in.but they were covered by his glasses which has a spot pf red on each side that matched his hair.

《Mark's》 pov

A girl opened the door after Mr.Brown told her to come in.which I imediately linked to (y/n) as Mr.Brown told me another youtuber was gonna come talk about the whole "being a youtuber" thing with me.

I looked at her and noticed her (H/l) (H/c) hair,her beatiful (e/c) eyes that someone can easily look at for hours.she looked like she's about 22 to 25 years old.she was wearing a (f/c) shirt and some black ripped jeans with white converse.

As she approached us I stepped out of my daze.she looked and me and Mr.Brown.

"Hi,my name is (y/n)" she shook Mr.Brown's hand as he told her his name. She turned to me and held out her hand for me to shake "you must be Mark" she said "and you must be (y/n)" I replied.

She smiled "in the flesh and bone baby" she said,she waved her arms up and down her body.

"It's a pleasure to meet you today. But after the introductions let us talk about the little presentation you are going to do today" said Mr.Brown in a serious but happy tone.

"We are going to have a little power point show. A little introduction if you might for all the people to recognise you. Then you both are going to come out and start talking. But please we don't want any cursing while up on the stage as we don't want any troubles with the parents and what not." He contineud and talked about the main part and the questions and everything.

But the whole time I kept glancing at (y/n), she just looked so pretty. Wait,why do I like her? I JUST MET HER!,LITERALLY!!

After Mr.Brown finished rambling about the little show me and (y/n) kept walking around the school until we stopped and sat at the cafeteria.


As Mark and I were walking we stopped at the cafeteria to rest our legs.after all we take a walk through the whole school."hey (y/n) would you like something to eat?" He asked as he stood up."yes I would love to eat but I am the one paying for it" I replied

"No. I insist" he said as I stood up and stood next to him.

"Whoever reaches first pays" I said ad me and him started running.

I reached halfway but he was still close behind."beat ya bitch!" I yelled as I was close.

"(Y/N) WATCH OUT!" he said as he caught me from hittng the glass. As i noticed he was grabbing me from behind by my waist,heat started rising to my cheeks and I blushed but it was unnoticeable.

As I stood shocked from fear.he stood me up straight as I was standing at an angle.

I turned around and hugged him as a thank you.


I held her by her waist as she almost fell to the glass.i stood her up straight,she turned around and hugged me as I stood shocked and flattered at her reaction.she actually gives really good hugs I thought to myself as she pulled away and thanked me.

"No problem"

"No,it was gonna be a problem if I hit the glass I would have to pay for the price of this piece of shit and I'd go to the hospital which I don't fucking need right now" she said as I laughed.

She smiled that sweet and warm smile that is just stunning.then she started laughing which was just gorgeous. I smiled too

After all the shit that happened. She payed for the food which I still didn't agree with but she won...what can I say. After that I learned that she actually is a pretty big youtuber with 12 MILLION subscribers and that she's actually friends with jack/séan which surprised me because he never said anything about her. And that her youtube channel name is (yt/n) which I'm gonna check out when I get back home.she learned that I am also a big youtuber with 16 MILLION subscribers that I absolutely love and he was also was surprised that I actually knew him, but it's not a big surprise after all he does have 14 MILLION subs.

After that the bell rang and noticed our little show was getting started .in almost 30 minutes. I told her and she said ok as we went backstage to get prepared.

We stood up and walked backstage to get prepared.


DID YOU ENJOY IT. I hope ya did 'cause there's a lot more to come. Anyway that's all I have for this chapter next time the presentation is coming up as you can obviously tell...anyway I will see YOU in the next chapter BUH-BYE COOKIES!!

-Rena the Reptilian

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