<<Jack's past>>

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Hey guys!...so some of the things today might hit hard,and this event Jack previouly talked about in 'That dragon,cancer.'...Anyway,let's start shall we?


So after our whole fit of crying and 30 minutes,a doctor came out,I ran to him,but Jack was looking straoght at the wall and suddenly tearing up out of nowhere.

The doctor told me that (y/n) was fine,and I thanked everything that exists for saving the girl I love. I thanked the doctor,by hugging him,and I was laughing like a mad man."excuse me sir,but do you love that young woman?" He asked me.

"Yes I do with all my heart but she doesn't know that."

"Well you can tell her but not now she's asleep."

I thanked the doctor as he moved away with a huge smile on his face. I turned around to see Jack still like the same situation like before.

"Hey Jack,is something wrong? You seem a little out of here." I said in a caring tone.

"Well Mark,I'm going to tell you something...when I was sitting here...I thought about when my grandma was in the hospital...one day I came from school to visit her,I was about 17-22 I came to her and sat by her and we talked,my si-sister was sitting next to me as my grandmother l-looked over at her,she smiled at me and said to my sister."when is séan coming?" But I was sitting r-right next to her..she didn't even kn-know Mark,sh-she didn't,and I-I was s-sitting right there...I-I ca-can't..." He said as he started crying at the last part.

I side-hugged him and started rubbing my arm on his back reassuringly.

"It's okay buddy e-..." I was cut off by the doctor.

"Excuse me mr.fischbach,she's awake." He told me. I ran up to him with only one thought in my mind. SHE'S AWAKE!! YES!!. "Where's her room?" I asked trying to act calm,he responded with 248. I ran to the room,with Jack following close behind.

When I reached her room,she looked up at me."M-Mark?" She said while looking up at me.

Jack entered the room as he smiled at her,and waved she waved back,I was still standing there in shock,I walked up to her and hugged her slowly to not add to the pain she's already in.

&&&&&&time skip brought to you by sombra&&&&&&

We talked for about  1 and a half hours when the heart beat device started beeping as she was slowly closing her eyes,Jack paniced and called the nurse as I just sat there in shock.

The doctor came up and told us to get out of the room,I  obeyed so they can help her faster. O got to the waiting room again,I evaluated what just happened and started tearing up.

She's going to be okay. I know she will because I love her.


Hey guys!...did any of you see the fuckboy song by smosh,it was awesome and I don't follow the twitters of the guys on the video where the songs came from,but fouseytube is a bitch.and jon cozart was sexy in the video,he's always cute,it's time to change and in that vid they did. Anyway,that's all I have for you guys in this chapter. If you LIKED IT,PUNCH THAT FAVORITE BUTTON IN THE FACE,LIKE A BOSS!!! and high fives all around *wapish-wapish* but THANK YOU GUYS AND I WILL SEE ALL YOU DUDES,IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!


-Rena the Reptilian

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