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Hey guys! It's ya gurrrl here,and I'm back with anotha fucking chapter! Guys,I have a question...do you ever get these days that you're just soo angry without any reason? That's happening to me rn,and I have no wo-fi to watch Mark so I can calm the fuck down...Anyway,let's start shall we?

*Mark's pov*

Yesterday was the best night of my life,when she said no,I was devastated,but apparently she fooled me...how can the great Markimoo be fooled??!

I chuckled at my thoughts and woke up,I wanted to make some food,and I'm also gonna get Tyler,Aka:one word Tyler,stone face Tyler...yep,that's him.

I got up,put a shirt on,and webt downstairs to male some bacon and eggs,and some pancakes.

I opened my bedroom door,went to the bathroom to get my shit together,and went over to check on (y/n),not like in a creepy way,I just wanted to make sure she's warm and that the blanket didn't fall down.

I went over and slowly opened the door,I looked at my little angel sleeping...she was so peaceful and cute while sleeping,I smirked and decided to take a picture and save it as my lock screen.

Hopefully,she'll notice it and get mad,I took the picture,kissed her forehead,which she smiled at,I did too and walked outside while having a goofy grin on my face.

I went downstairs and started making food and coffee.

&&&&&&&&&time skip brought to you by me! Oh,you didn't want that? K then...bye&&&&&&&&&&&&

After I finished everything,I heard footsteps."is That FOOD I SMELL?" (Y/n) said while her arms are up in the air while doing jazz hands,I chuckled and walked to the table,putting everything down.

"well at least a good morning...jeez,ungrateful much?" I mumbled the last part,jokingly of course.

She came over to me,hugged me then gave me a kiss,I kissed back,then we pulled away.

"Good morning my Markimoo...is this better?" she was smirking,I smiled and looked at her in the eyes.

"....you're forgiven...for now." I smirked as well,she smiled and went to go grab coffee and I sat down to eat.

"hey Mark? Aren't you supposed to pick Tyler up today?" she came back to the table.

"yeah,I'm gonna finish eating and go get dressed." I continued stuffing my face with food,she started as well.

&&&&&lil' time skiiiiip😁&&&&&

I was waiting for (y/n) to wear her clothes,she decided to come with me to the airport.

I was waiting for (y/n) to wear her clothes,she decided to come with me to the airport

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She looked beautiful,as always...and she noticed that every time she wears something,I stare at her in awe...she looks cute,even in her pjs...I have no idea how I got so lucky to have (y/n) as my girlfriend.

After she got down the stairs,we got out of the house and went to the car and drove off.

While we were driving in the car,(y/n's) favorite song started playing,she started singing and dancing in the car,I sang as well but made sure to pay attention to the road.

She sang like an angel,especially that after that,the song on the radio was a little slow,but with high notes and low ones as well,she nailed all of them to the wall...I'm sorry...don't kill me.

We got there and got out of the car,I opened the door for her since I'm such a gentleman,she thanked me and we held hands,we sat down on the seats at the airport.

We kept waiting,(y/n's) head on my shoulder...after 20 minuets of sitting like this and waiting,I saw Tyler standing,I pointed to him fotlr (y/n) to see him,we went over to him."hey Tyler,haven't seen you in a long time!" I gave him a bro hug,while (y/n) stood there,smiling.

"oh...Tyler,this is (y/n) she's my girlfriend...we got together last night." I chuckled at the awkward silence.

"and (y/n),this is Tyler!" I pointed at him with my hand. They shook hands,smiling and saying hello to each other.

As I took some of Tyler's luggage,they started talking together,and I joined in with them too.

When we decided to leave,we also thought to get some coffee as Tyler looks a bit tired.

We got in the car,Tyler in the backseat so he can get some rest,and we drove to a nearby coffee place.

We arrived to the coffee place and (y/n) sat down,she insisted on paying but I refused,Tyler also insisted but I also told him he should sit down since he's still a guest and he approved.

After placing the order,I sat down and waited,we had a chance to catch up and Tyler got to know (y/n) a little better and vice versa.

I gotthe coffee when they called my name,and we sat down and continued talking.

After finishing our coffee,we decided to head out.

&&&&a lot of time skips,I know but just spare me on this one😘 thanks&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

We finally arrived to my sweet home,and Tyler's now. He went upstairs to put the bags and start with a little unpacking.

(y/n) went to pack her stuff as well,which made me a little sad,not being around her and the positive rays she always emits to everyone around her,especially in the morning if you're feeling a little groggy,she can cheer you up.

I sat down,thinking of what to record while they're both getting their stuff organized.

After recording videos,I went to check on them both,I saw (y/n) sitting on the couch watching TV with Tyler. "what are you guys doing? You finished already?" I Was a little confused.

"no,Tyler here didn't finish but I did...didn't you know that I am the flash?" (y/n) turned to look at me,I nodded my head and she smiled.

"yeah,I got a little tired,and I saw (y/n) sitting watching TV so I thought I'd have a little break and I'm trying to not get tired,jet lag is a thing and I wanna get used to the time difference." Tyler said,he also turned to tell me that.

"well,okay...can I join?" I said while approaching the couch.

"please join...Tyler is very boring." (y/n) jokingly spoke,making Tyler do pout.

"HEYY! I'm not boring you are!" Tyler was trying not to laugh while saying that.

(a/n:how many of you guys are holding fidget spinners while reading this? Because I'm holding one while writing this...magic!)

We sat down and watched TV,but I took some break to edit and post my daily videos,apparently (y/n) pre-recorded a LOT of videps and edited them,so she has been just uploading the videos,that's why she has a lot of free time.

Aftery break,we continued watching until Tyler started dazing off.

We sent him up to his room,and (y/n) took her stuff and we said our goodbyes...and she left.


Tyler is finally here! I'm so excited for the gang to show up! And I have a special surprise for Mark's birthday! I can't wait for that! A lot a things are happening rn...but Anyway,that's all I have for you guys this chapter,If you LIKED IT,PUNCH THAT VOTE BUTTON IN THE FACE...LIKE A BOSS!! And high fives all around *wapish-wapish* but THANK YOU GUYS AND I WILL SEE ALL YOU DUDES...IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!


-Rena the Reptilian

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